Chapter 19 | Forest Fights

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A couple of hours later, after Dylan's training session with the fighters, Jared still hadn't returned, and I was starting to get increasingly worried for his safety.

I had spent my time moping around in Dylan's cabin, attempting to come up with rational explanations as to why Jared could have left on his own accord, but my heart was telling me that something was wrong, and I needed to do something about it quickly.

I jumped to my feet as a sweaty and soaking wet Dylan barged through the door, water dribbling down his sculpted chest, causing me to swallow harshly, my wolf howling at the sensual sight of our mate.

"He's still not back?" questioned Dylan, his mouth set in a firm line, causing me to shake my head, sighing.

"I have to at least try to do something," I mumbled, settling down on the couch.

"We'll go out and look for him, but not for long, there's a storm out there and it's not safe. Rogues roam at night," said Dylan, raising his eyebrows at me, causing me to nod, offering a small smile.

"Thank you, I know it's probably smarter to wait until it's light out, but I just need to know I've at least done something."

Dylan nodded in understanding, making his way over to me and crouching in front of me, his hands resting on his thighs. "I promise we will find him Clara."

I smiled sadly, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around Dylan's neck, slightly scratching at his tanned skin with my nails. He groaned, letting his head hang backwards as he bit his bottom lip, closing his eyes for a few seconds. "What are you doing to me?"

The sight of Dylan in his dark jeans, his boxers slightly visible over the top, caused my heart to race, and my wolf was begging to me to make love to him until the sun came up, but I quietened her, not wanting her input, knowing now was not the time.

"You're beautiful," mumbled Dylan as he studied me, caressing my cheek softly as he leaned forward again, pressing his lips to mine, kissing me softly.

"I couldn't have asked for anyone better, and I do want to finish this, but we need to find Jared," I said, sitting up, leaning forward to peck Dylan on the lips,  and pulling away after a few seconds, smiling sadly.

"Is Gia going to come and help search?" Dylan asked, pulling on a thin T-shirt, my eyes lingering a little longer than necessary.

"I'll text her to meet us on the outskirts of the forest by the lake," I replied, grabbing Dylan's rucksack that was leaning against the cabin wall, picking it up and opening it, checking that there were some extra clothes in there.

I pushed the door open, scowling out into the darkness as I was instantly drenched after one step, my teeth already starting to chatter from the cold.

"Shift?" suggested Dylan, taking his backpack from me and dropping it on the grass. "You'll be warmer and more protected."

I nodded, closing my eyes, allowing my body to morph itself into my petite brown wolf, hearing the sound of my clothing stretch and eventually rip as I did so, the fabric landing in a heap on the floor.

I turned to Dylan, watching in awe as he shifted too, his large grey wolf towering above me, causing my eyes to widen.

I had never seen Dylan in wolf form before, but he was more than intimidating, and I could see why he was considered such a good fighter; his size definitely giving him an edge.

I took a step forward, reaching up and licking Dylan's snout before picking up the rucksack with my mouth, heading off in the direction of the lake, flourishing in the joyous feeling of the pouring rain soaking me through.

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