Chapter 46 | Did I Say That Out Loud?

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"I have never been so excited!" squealed Gia, engulfing me in a solid hug, wrapping her arms around my waist a little too tightly.

"Are you really ready to let our old pack go, Gia? I'm worried that I'm forcing a decision onto everyone," I questioned, chewing on my nails anxiously.

Gia widened her eyes at me, shaking her head. "You're a Luna now, Clara! It's what you're supposed to do."

"I know, I think I'm just-"


I turned my head to see Dean making his way over to me, his brows furrowed together, relief washing over his face once his dark eyes settled on me.

"Dylan's been looking everywhere for you. Everyone is ready for you," he said, nodding towards the large outhouse, causing me to intake a sharp breath.

"I'm so nervous."

"Like Dylan told you, it's just a ceremony to announce you as the Luna of the pack. It'll be quick. I promise," reassured Dean, holding his hand out for me to take, and after a few seconds of chewing on my bottom lip, I caved, slipping my hand into his as he led Gia and I towards the outhouse.

"You've got this," whispered Gia, beaming at me as we reached the door, Dean yanking it open quickly, revealing a large crowd of people, all chatting and laughing away, the combined noise making it hard to hear anything else.

"Dylan is up on the stage there waiting for you," said Dean, pushing past the crowd for me, giving me access to the steps.

I gazed at my mate as I clambered up onto the stage, feeling my heart start to palpitate as he took my hand, offering me a quick smile.

"Quiet, everyone!" he boomed using his Alpha tone, causing a shudder to wrack through me, my wolf instantly wanting to submit.

"As you all know, The Mystic Pride Pack and The Amber Moon Pack will be merging, meaning that the Amber Moon Pack will no longer exist. Amber Moon, your Beta Charles has decided it is in your best interest for me to take over as Alpha, since your Luna will be one of your own."

I smiled out at the crowd, feeling pride radiate through me, noticing my Father grinning up at me from below, waving at me, wiping a single tear that escaped from his eye.

"Ethan will remain the Beta, but Charles will become third in command."

I watched as Ethan and Charles both made their way onto the stage, standing next to us with the arms folded, looking overly intimidating.

"Welcome to the pack everyone. We look forward to having you as one of us!" announced Ethan, flashing a quick smile.

"Please show some respect to your Alpha Dylan Harris, and your Luna, Clara Mason!"

The crowd erupted into applause, a few bowing their heads in respect, and I scanned across the back, noticing how my old pack member Jen was stood grumpily, her shoulders hunched over as she glared at me.

I smiled, clearing my throat, causing Dylan to look at me with furrowed brows.

"Are you okay?"

"I just wanted to say something," I said, taking a step forward, waiting until the crowd had settled down, all of their eyes trained on me, boring into my soul.

"I never thought I would be standing up here being told I was going to become a Luna. It's just not something I ever expected, but I can promise you all that I will do my very best to lead this pack. I will put you all first, because that's what a good Luna should do, and if anyone needs anything, please don't be afraid to ask me."

Alpha DylanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang