Chapter 25 | Surprise

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"Okay, we're here," announced Sawyer, pulling up the hand break and turning around to face us, a smirk plastered on his face. "Five hours of driving has really screwed my back up, I'm going to need a massage for sure."

"What now? You're going to parade us in with these handcuffs around our wrists in front of our Mother?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes, gaining a low frustrated growl from Sawyer.

"You are not going to tell her what has happened. As far as she's concerned, all she needs to know is that you two found me and wanted to see her."

"You'll tell her you were tired of your old life, and that you both need her, and if you mention anything about what I've done, I will snap both of your necks as soon as she's not looking," ordered Sawyer, raising his thick eyebrows, daring us to challenge him.

"You want us to tell her we wanted to see her?" questioned Jared, shaking his head. "She left us."

"Just do as I say, and Clara, if you try and run, I'll kill Jared, he won't be able to wheel himself away fast enough."

"You destroyed his wheelchair anyway," I replied, tucking my long dark hair behind my ear.

"Well, lucky for you," said Sawyer, hopping out of the car and pulling the trunk open. "I have one."

Jared turned to me, nodding at me subtly, encouraging me to make a break for it whilst Sawyer wasn't looking, but I shook my head, scrunching up my nose, letting him know that there was no way I was going to leave him to die to save myself.

"Hurry up," growled Sawyer, pulling open the back passenger doors, waving at us to get out.

I hopped out, rushing around to the other side to help lower Jared down into the wheelchair, feeling more at ease knowing that he could now manoeuvre himself around freely and wasn't as vulnerable.

I gazed up at the small secluded cottage which was dotted in the middle of nowhere, emerald green fields surrounding it, a few lone trees dancing in the wind.

"We like our privacy," shrugged Sawyer, leading us up the gravel path towards the brick house, swallowing nervously as he pulled the wooden door open, inviting us inside. "Marie, are you home?"

My heart raced in my chest as Sawyer quickly yanked off my hand cuffs, hissing in pain as the wolfsbane grazed his palms, burning his flesh.

He did the same with Jared's, subtly dropping dropping them into the dirt of a plant pot that was placed next to the large flat screen television that was mounted on the cream coloured walls.

I gazed down at my wrists, furrowing my brows at the red raw marks that were left behind, sighing as I pulled my sleeves of my sweatshirt down over them, not wanting to look at them.

"Marie!" called Sawyer, letting out a frustrated sigh, shaking his head. "Come here sweetie, I have a big surprise for you."

Suddenly, a tall woman appeared around the corner, confusion masking her face as she studied us, her thin arched brows furrowing.

"Sawyer, what is this?" she asked, staying on the other side of the room away from us as she fiddled with the hem of her cardigan.

She had long dark hair that was pulled into a sleek ponytail, her chocolate brown eyes boring into mine, searching for something.

"Hi, Mom," I mumbled, my palms becoming increasingly sweaty as I watched my Mother's eyes widen, her mouth opening slightly as her gaze darted from me to Jared over and over again.

"Clara? Jared?" She mumbled, averting her eyes, looking down at the ground, her face becoming pale.

"They tracked me down and came to me. They're tired of their life, they want to start a new one, with you," announced Sawyer, a cheery smile making its way up onto his face, flashing a row of pearly white teeth.

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