Chapter 49 | A Fresh Start

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"Salah, thank you so much for coming at such short notice. This is my Luna, Clara. I hope we haven't interrupted anything," spoke Dylan, nodding his head at the elderly witch that was approaching.

"Witches are early risers, Alpha Dylan. This is something you should have learned by now," she replied, nodding back at him and then offering one to me. "Show me the two that need my help."

Making our way back into the house, I watched as Salah took in the surroundings, pulling her cloak down off of her head, as she studied the kitchen area. "I sense heartbreak here. Someone has been wronged."

Dylan nodded, gesturing to Jared who wheeled himself forwards, gulping nervously. "This is Jared. His mate has left the pack, but the bond still remains. He wants to break it."

Salah raised her thin dark brows, stepping closer to Jared, her chunky boots clunking against the tiles, the sound echoing throughout the silent room. She hooked her finger under my brother's chin, studying him, humming to herself. "A bond can only be fully broken if both mates are present."

Everyone sighed at the news, Jared's head dropping in defeat.

"Salah, please," I begged. "Is there anything you can do for him? He can't go on like this."

Salah tapped the side of her chin, her eyes fixated on Jared's crumbled form. "I sense you are dying inside."

"I feel like I am," he mumbled, shaking his head.

"You are a broken man. This is good news," she announced, which made me furrow my brows, almost scoffing to myself.

"Um, no offence, but how is that ever a good thing?" asked Gia, placing her hand on her hip.

"This young man here is so heartbroken, I can feel it radiating off of him. This is something I can latch onto. Usually, I would need both mates here to break the bond, but the emotions are so strong here, there is something I can do for him."

"Anything, please," choked out Jared.

"The bond can be broken from your end. However, not for the girl. She will still feel the connection, and nothing for her will be changed, but, for you," spoke Salah, taking hold of Jared's face. "You will feel free and will not feel the pull towards her like you do now, however, to her, you would still be her mate in all aspects."

"So, I won't feel anything for her anymore?" asked Jared, misery lacing his tone.

"Hmm, it is hard to say whether you will feel nothing towards her, but I can tell you that the longing for her will be gone, and you will feel content without her. Your pain will be gone," said Salah, gesturing vividly as she did so.

"What if she were to ever return?" asked Ethan, which caused Salah to pause, thinking to herself.

"I am unsure whether seeing her again would bring back the emotions or not, but I can tell you that as long as she is gone, you will find your happiness again."

"Do it, please," whispered Jared, clamping his eyes shut, attempting to stop a stray tear from escaping.

"This cannot be undone by me, so this decision is one you must live with for the rest of your life," warned Salah.

"I'm ready."

Dylan grabbed my hand in his as he took a step back, gesturing for Ethan and Gia to do the same. I gazed into my mate's eyes, an overwhelming feeling of anxiety overcoming me knowing that this was something that Salah didn't usually do, and the fear of something going wrong, consumed me.

"Stand back, I only want to feel the emotions of this young man here," said Salah, her eyes wide as she grasped onto Jared's face, crouching down in front of him.

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