Chapter 4 | What's So Funny?

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I opened my eyes, the bright sunlight almost burning them, causing me to quickly shut them again, rubbing on them vigorously.  I tried again, allowing them to slowly adjust as I stretched, my joints cracking as they moved, relieving me of the stiffening feeling.

I pushed myself into a sitting position, rubbing my hand down my face as I groaned, a wave of nausea coming over me.

"I am never drinking again," I mumbled to myself as I slid out of the bed, exiting the room and making my way into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I gasped as I was faced with the most beautiful bathroom I had ever seen. It was big, but not too big, the shower fitting snuggly in the corner; the shiny white tiles glistening with water, telling me that somebody had just been in there.

I inhaled the sweet aroma of vanilla and musk, knowing that it was Dylan, and my mind wandered into a daydream of my shirtless mate, water cascading down his chest and abs.

I closed my eyes, sighing as I unbuttoned Dylan's oversized shirt, letting it fall to the floor, stepping into the shower and turning the water setting to steaming hot.

The water burned my skin, but I enjoyed, feeling as if the alcohol was slowly being washed away. I scrubbed at my face, attempting to wash off my leftover makeup, knowing that sleeping in it was definitely a bad idea.

Once I was satisfied, I stepped out, wrapping a blue fluffy towel around me, leaving my sopping wet hair framing my face, deciding on just air drying it. I swished a mix of toothpaste and water around in my mouth, desperate to rid myself of the salty morning taste on my tongue.

I grabbed Dylan's shirt off the floor before making my way back into my room, preparing myself to have to put my vomit covered black mini dress back on, but I gazed over at the bed, to see a neatly placed pile of fresh clothing there, making me raise my eyebrows.

I picked them up, furrowing my brows at how large they were, but I was in no place to complain; at least they were clean.

After pulling them on and doing a quick once over in the mirror, satisfied with how I looked, I made my way down the stairs, creeping carefully so as not to grab the attention of anyone, not wanting to face them after last night.

"Good afternoon," smiled Gia as I rounded the corner, nearly jumping out of my skin. She was sat at a barstool in the kitchen, dressed in an oversized shirt and shorts, stuffing her face with food. "Ethan made brunch, but we gathered you'd be sleeping, so there's none left, sorry."

I ran my hands through my chocolate brown hair, nodding slowly as I made my way over to one of the barstools, perching on it carefully.

"How are you feeling?" Gia teased, laughing.

I shook my head. "Like shit."

"I remember my first time on tequila," voiced Ethan as he walked into the kitchen in a pair of fitted suit trousers; his chest bare.

Gia laughed, winking at me as I groaned, clutching at my stomach.

I felt awkward, unsure of what Gia and I were supposed to do now. I felt rude just shooting off and leaving, but I also didn't want to overstay my welcome.

Plus, I was really looking forward to just hopping back into bed, sleeping this hangover away.

Suddenly, the musky aroma I had come to recognise so quickly wafted through the air, causing me to bite my lip, turning round to see a very disgruntled shirtless Dylan, his dark hair still wet from his shower.

He gazed into my emerald green eyes for a few seconds, before breaking eye contact and nodding over at Ethan, who cleared his throat awkwardly, turning towards Gia.

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