Chapter 11 | Longline Lake

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"Won't Beta Charles get mad?" I asked Gia, furrowing my brows at her as she dragged me through the pack grounds.

Gia shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Other people will be there watching. As long as we keep our distance and don't get too close, then we won't get in trouble."

"I really don't think we should be disturbing Dylan during a training session."

"Yesterday there were some people watching, and Alpha Paul didn't say a thing. Like I said, as long as we don't disturb them, there shouldn't be a problem," replied Gia as we rounded the corner towards the fighting grounds. "Also, you still need to tell me about last night. What happened?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "It was fine."

Gia raised an eyebrow, glaring at me, crossing her arms over her chest. "Just fine?"

"Well, I didn't stay very long. Alpha Paul showed up and he wasn't too happy."

Gia rolled her eyes. "Oh God, what did he say?"

"Dylan told him we were mates."

"And?" pushed Gia.

"Alpha Paul pulled me aside and was trying to change my mind. He was saying some really weird things about Dylan."

"What? They just met though."

"I know. I also got a call last night; the same ones my Dad has been getting."

"Really? Did they say anything?"

I shook my head, a shiver running down my spine at the thought of the call. "No, they were just breathing really heavily. It was really creepy."

"Your numbers are definitely getting leaked," suggested Gia.

I shrugged as we made our way towards the fighting ground line, stopping just before it, close enough to see what was going on, but far enough away to not distract the fighters.

A few other women were on the side-lines watching, their eyes filled with admiration as my mate lined up our fighters, standing in front of them shirtless, his muscles glistening with sweat.

"Good job so far everyone!" Dylan boomed, causing me to shudder in place, his Alpha tone causing my breath to get caught in my throat.

Dylan sniffed the air, turning around, his eyes scanning the small crowd until they landed on me, a small smile making its way onto his face, before turning around again, regaining his focus.

"Yesterday we focused on fighting in wolf form. Today, we will be working on fighting in human form. Grab yourself a partner and watch me," Dylan ordered, standing tall in front of the fighters, a smirk playing at his lips. "Chris, come up here."

Dylan pointed at one of the fighters, who nodded, making his way over to Dylan until he was standing in front of him. "Think fast."

Dylan launched himself at Chris, grabbing him by the neck, kicking his feet from under him, causing him to crumble to the floor in seconds, letting out a small grunt.

"See what I did there? I distracted him with my hands, grabbing his neck, but I used my feet to kick him to the ground. This is a tactic my pack use when fighting. We create distractions using our body. I want everyone to try it!" announced Dylan, pulling a shocked looking Chris off the floor, patting his back and chuckling.

"I think I fancy him even more now," a voice whispered behind me, causing me to whirl around, only to see a very smug looking Jen standing behind me with a few of her friends, who all nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, well too bad he doesn't fancy you back," I muttered, causing Gia to widen her eyes next to me, snickering.

"Excuse me?" hissed Jen, looking at me in disgust as she flipped her long auburn hair behind her shoulder.

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