Chapter 34 | Secrets

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After Dean's dramatic exit, Gia and Matthew had gone home with Jared to make sure he got home alright, while I stayed with Dylan.

Dylan had cut the party short, shuffling people out as best he could, with a few disgruntled words from Ethan, who was extremely drunk, struggling to even stand up.

I had spent a lot of the early morning attempting to get my mate to talk about Dean and what he thought his intentions were.

But Dylan was reluctant to speak on the matter, and instead wanted to go to bed, pulling me close to him as he draped his arm over my stomach, gently pressing a kiss on my neck, his warm breath causing goosebumps to appear on my soft skin.

That morning, I groaned, rolling over to snuggle into Dylan's warm chest, gazing up at his chiseled jawline and slight stubble, tracing my fingers alongside it.

"Didn't anybody tell you that staring was rude?" chuckled my mate, opening his eyes, causing me to huff, shaking my head with a small smile gracing my lips.

"Are you hungover?" I asked, causing Dylan to shrug, shaking his head.

"I don't really get them," he replied.

I sighed, rolling onto my back and running my hands down my face, groaning. "I feel so bad for Jared, I really don't know what to do."

Dylan sat up against the headboard, caressing my arm. "There isn't really a whole lot you can do, Clara. Amelia made a stupid decision and she's going to have to live with it, I'm almost certain she'll be regretting it."

I squinted my eyes, frowning. "Dean? Like really? Why would she go for him? He's way too old for her."

"He's a year older than me," said Dylan, shrugging. "Plus, I hate to say it, but he's a good looking guy."

"Only because you look similar," I chuckled, watching my mate get up out of the bed and make his way into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

"I've got a training session that I've got to get to, but you're welcome to stay here if you'd like," called Dylan. "I'm sure my Mother would like to get to know you a little bit, if you're okay with that."

"Yeah, sure, but I need to check up on Jared at some point though. He must be feeling like crap," I replied, stripping myself off and stepping into the shower with my godly looking mate, smirking at him as I turned my back on him, soaking my hair under the jet of water.

Dylan moaned, shaking his head at me before quickly pressing me up against the wall, kissing me passionately, his tongue exploring my mouth.

"I love you," whispered my mate as he pulled away, kissing me gently on the forehead, caressing my body, grabbing my behind and giving it a quick squeeze, causing me to yelp quietly.

"I love you," I replied, pulling Dylan's lips back to mine, laughing as he hoisted my up so my legs were wrapped around his waist, secretly impressed that he had been able to lift me up without slipping.

I massaged the back of Dylan's neck as he kissed me, my arousal increasing by the second, causing Dylan to growl deeply in his chest, the smell of it becoming more and more present in the hot and steamy air.

"You're killing me," moaned Dylan as he pulled away from my lips, his eyes pitch black as they explored my body.

"I want you," I mumbled, causing Dylan to kneel down with me still around his waist, gently laying my down on the floor of the bathtub, angling me so the stream wasn't hitting me.

My mate hovered over me, our soaking wet bodies brushing up against each other as we kissed, my wolf begging to have our mate even closer.

"You want me, huh?" teased Dylan, nipping at my neck gently, causing me to arch my back and curl my toes, groaning in frustration.

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