Chapter 16 | Diner Dash

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Gia threw a large sweatshirt to me, shaking her head to me and chuckling before making her way back to the kitchen. I turned to my mate, gazing at him innocently, feeling slightly awkward that he had seen me act so out of control.

Dylan dropped his gaze, turning around as I shifted and pulled on the oversized navy blue sweatshirt, thankful that it fell to just above my knees, saving me some modesty.

"That was quite a show," laughed Dylan, biting down on his bottom lip; his hands stuffed into the pocket of his grey sweatpants.

I sighed, running my hands through my dark hair, shaking my head. "It really isn't like me to do something like that, she just makes me so mad and I couldn't take it anymore."

"You stand up for yourself. I like that," said Dylan, shrugging, taking a few steps closer to me, pulling me to his chest, rubbing my back soothingly. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. I'm just a little tired, but luckily I slept through most of the heat," I replied, gazing up at my mate before he planted a quick kiss on my lips, sending tingles erupting all over them, causing me to blush.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better, because I want to take you out."

I raised my brows, pulling away from the hug. "Where?"

"I don't know, you can choose. I just want to get away from pack life for just a few hours."

I laughed, causing Dylan to smile. "You mean you want to go and act human for a bit?"

Dylan nodded. "Yeah, sure, if you want to call it that."

"Okay," I chuckled. "Let me just grab some breakfast and then I'll get dressed."

Dylan nodded, leading me into the house. I sat down, munching on the jam on toast that Gia had prepared me as quickly as I could, the flavours exploding in my mouth, instantly causing pure bliss to radiate throughout me.

"My girl can eat," laughed my mate, causing Gia to nod in agreement, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'm going to go and shower," I said, dropping the crusts back down on the plate, quickly making my way up the stairs, stripping off the sweatshirt, and jumping into the steaming hot shower.

The boiling hot water cascaded down my body, washing off all of the sweat I had produced from the heat, and it felt amazing to have clean smooth skin again.

I washed my hair, allowing my mind to wander back to Jen's pathetic attempt to fight, laughing to myself as I replayed the scenario back in my head, picturing Jen's panicked little face.

I didn't think I was overly experienced when it came to fighting, but clearly I had some natural talent. I felt powerful watching Jen struggle beneath me, squirming against my grip as I pinned her down effortlessly.

I knew she had learned her lesson, and I hoped she would no longer speak down to me like I was a little child, but I couldn't be sure, knowing that she would probably do anything to get my mate.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy white towel around me, grabbing Gia's paddle brush and raking it through my long hair. Opening the cabinet, I pulled out some of Gia's makeup, applying just a little bit to my face, not wanting to over do it.

After I was satisfied with the way I looked, I quickly dressed myself, knowing Gia wouldn't mind me borrowing her clothes.

Butterflies fluttered throughout my stomach, the nerves rising quickly as I padded down the stairs, noticing the way Dylan stopped mid conversation with Gia, admiring me lovingly.

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