Chapter 31 | The Party

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I looked over at a wide eyed Jared, his hands shaking in his lap as he frantically glanced around the room, his breathing heavy.

"Hey, Jared, it's fine," I soothed, crouching down in front of him and offering a small smile. "You're feeling this way because this sweatshirt isn't mine, I borrowed it from a girl at Dylan's pack."

"What do you mean?" he mumbled, shaking his head.

"Well, I can't be certain, but judging by the way you're acting from her scent, I think she might be your mate," I said, causing Gia and Matthew to gasp, their shocked frowns suddenly turning into large smiles.

"Congratulations, man!" exclaimed Matthew, making his way over and patting Jared on the back whilst Gia beamed at me.

"I have a mate?" Jared mumbled, furrowing his dark brows, running his hands through his hair.

I smiled at my little brother, joy overwhelming me at the thought of Jared finally having someone to call his own, someone to love and care for him, making it much easier for him once I leave to become Luna of Dylan's pack, seeing as Jared would probably want to remain here.

"What's she like?" asked Jared, scratching at the back of his neck sheepishly, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Um, blonde, brown eyes, has nice teeth," I decided to go with, not wanting to mention how my first encounter with her was more than awkward, knowing full well that Dylan had called her a bit of a brat.

"What's her name?"

"Amelia," I stated, causing my brother's eyes to light up, a small smile making its way up to his face.

"Wow man, she sounds hot!" announced Matthew, causing Gia to slap his chest, growling at him.

"I'll speak to Dylan and organise a chance for you to meet, I've just got to go and have a shower," I said, running up the stairs, taking two at a time, adrenaline flooding my body.

As much as I wasn't too sure about Amelia, I was hoping she had just had a bad day, and that she was full of love and compassion on the inside, even though the exterior seemed pretty hard and tough.

Dylan's POV:

"Alright, great work tonight, we just need to tighten up the formation a bit, but we can work on that tomorrow!" I yelled, dismissing the fighters, many of them nodding at me in appreciation as they dispersed, grabbing their gym bags.

I made my way over to my rucksack, pulling out my phone, my eyes widening as I saw I had two missed calls from my mate. Panicking, I quickly dialled her back, my breath caught in my throat as I waited for her to answer.

"Clara, hey, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't hear your calls," I said, my voice laced with worry, but it quickly disintegrating as I heard her laugh from the other end of the line.

"It's fine, I was just really excited. I have something to tell you!"

"What is it?" I questioned, furrowing my brows.

"When I got home, Jared started freaking out about this smell, and I think it's Amelia's sweatshirt. I think they're mates."

"Mates? Are you serious?" I asked, scoffing.

"Is there any way we can organise for them to meet so we can be certain?" my mate asked me, causing me to subconsciously nod before she had even finished the sentence, knowing I would do anything she asked of me.

"You know what? I miss my pack, let's spend the night there tonight. Invite anyone you want, I'll organise a get-together."

"Like a party?" questioned Clara, hearing the excitement lacing her voice.

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