Chapter 48 | Broken

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Dylan's POV:

Planting a quick kiss on my sleeping mate's head, I quietly left our room, pushing my freshly washed hair out of my face, causing droplets of water to drizzle across the floorboards.

Last night had been more than eventful, and I internally growled at the thought of Amelia ruining the party last night. It was supposed to be a celebration of the two packs joining, and everyone was supposed to have fun and mingle, however, in true werewolf style, it had to be wrecked.

Making my way down the stairs, I attempted to be silent, knowing everyone else was probably fast asleep, their dire hangover awaiting them.

"Jared," I mumbled, his wheelchair coming into view as I entered the kitchen, noticing how glum and morose he looked; the dark bags under his eyes giving him the appearance of a broken man.

"It's seven in the morning. I didn't expect you to be awake," I spoke, grabbing a glass from the cabinet and filling it up with water, chugging it down, the cold liquid drizzling down my chin.

"I couldn't get back to sleep after I woke up. I feel like death," he groaned, dropping his face into his hands, rubbing at his sunken eyes.

"Yeah, you went a little too heavy last night."

"I was just tipsy, until she came along, then I just downed as much as I could. I don't remember much besides the fact she was screaming at me like a mad woman."

"Clara put you to bed afterwards. You looked smashed," I said, offering Jared a small smile, hoping he would find the humour in it.

"I have never been that drunk," he chuckled, his eyes lightening for a second, before sighing, tilting his head back.

"There's something you should know about Amelia, Jared," I announced, chewing my bottom lip, feeling anxiety overcome me, being unsure on how Jared was about to react to my news.

Raising a thick brow at me, Jared waited for me to continue, wheeling his chair around so he was facing me, fully his eyes fixated on my apprehensive form.

"Amelia left last night," I said, sighing.

Jared didn't reply for a few seconds, he dropped his gazed focusing on the tiled floor beneath him, before finally speaking.

"Left? As in actually left?"

I nodded slowly, my mouth set in a firm line. "She said she wanted to leave everything behind, and I couldn't stop her."

"Wow," gulped Jared, shaking his head, chuckling to himself, but not because he was happy or actually found the situation funny. "So, she literally just dropped everything? She's"

"I know, man. I'm sorry," I said, watching as Jared grabbed his glass of milk from the counter, flinging it across the room in fury, causing it to shatter into a thousand pieces, the shards bouncing off the wall and landing across the kitchen floor.

"Why did I have to get her?!" he yelled, his fists shaking. "I have had shit all my life and then the stupid Moon Goddess gives me her?!"

I decided to remain quiet, allowing Jared to release his anger, knowing he needed to vent in order to accept that his mate had actually left for good.

"Why couldn't I have been given someone who actually loved me?!" he growled, grabbing more glasses from the counter, throwing them onto the ground, watching them smash into smithereens; just like his heart.

"What the hell is going on?!" gasped my mate as she sprinted down the stairs, her hair tousled and messy from tossing and turning in her sleep.

"Clara, it's fine. Just stay there. There's glass all over the floor," I replied, holding my arm out as an indication I didn't want her to step any closer.

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