Chapter 40 | Relief

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I whimpered as Dylan emerged from behind the trees, two pack doctors following closely behind him.

His eyes were pitch black, his body shaking as he took in my bleeding form, making his way over to me and crumbling onto the floor by my side.

"Who did this to her?" he growled menacingly, turning to look at a pale faced Dean, who closed his eyes, sighing.

"Her own Alpha," muttered Dean, his head snapping to the two pack doctors who stood behind Dylan, too afraid to touch me, "are you going to help her or not?"

Through blurry eyes, I gazed up at my mate who shook from above me, his wolf itching to get out, and I panicked, unsure if he was going to be able to control himself.

"Alpha, we need you to move out of the way, so we can tend to her," mumbled one of the pack doctors, recoiling back when Dylan growled, grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap, cradling me.

Dean sighed, shaking his head, placing a hand on his cousin's broad shoulder. "Dyl, you have to let her go so the doctors can help her. You don't want to hurt her anymore, do you?"

"I would never hurt her!" roared Dylan, holding me tighter, causing Dean to curse to himself, standing up, gesturing for the doctors to get to work on me.

I watched as Dean dragged Dylan away from me, his wolf eventually giving up and allowing Dean to win, watching me intently from behind the doctors, chewing on his thumb nail, continuously shaking his head and swearing.

I cried, salty tears trickling down my face, attempting to breath as normally as I could, but I found it hard, and would splutter every couple of seconds.

"Where is he?" growled Dylan, peering through the trees, his eyes raging.

"He's dead, Dylan. I found him and your fighters followed me; but they rebelled against him. They would no longer fight with him once they discovered his intentions," said Dean, attempting to calm my mate down.

"I need to see his body for myself," replied Dylan.

Dean nodded towards the cabin. "He's in there, but you need to listen to me for a second Dylan, and remain calm," whispered Dean, turning around, his voice lower in an attempt to conceal his words, "when I found them, Clara was slipping in and out of consciousness, and Alpha Paul was..."

Dylan's eyes widened, his mouth set in a firm line, swallowing harshly. "What?"

"Control yourself when I tell you this; we need Clara to be as relaxed as possible, but, he was on top of her. I'm not sure if he did anything to her. I did try asking, but I didn't get much of a response."

I gasped quietly to myself, tears brimming my eyes yet again as my mind wandered back to Alpha Paul, and the way he had violated me before I had fallen unconscious.

I wasn't too sure what had happened, I knew he had forcefully kissed me, but I didn't know how far he had taken it before Dean and the fighters found him.

The silence was deafening, causing my ears to ring, and my hands to shake, making it difficult for the pack doctors to hold me still whilst they worked on my injuries.

Would Dylan still want me if I had been touched by anyone that wasn't him? Would looking at me now just disgust him? Would he ever be able to forget that someone else had kissed the lips that were solely meant for him and him only?

Suddenly, I was brought out of my trance by a thundering crash echoing through the forest, my eyes flickering towards the cabin, noticing Dylan was no longer standing at Dean's side.

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