Chapter 45 | The Accident

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Jared's POV:

"You're going the wrong way, Uncle Max!" I laughed, shaking my head, pointing down a little country lane as we went shooting past it.

"Oops," my Uncle laughed, slowing down the car, waving my disagreement away. "We can just loop round."

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day; the hottest day of the year so far, rays of sunlight burning down on the windscreen of the car, creating a glare in the corner of my eye.

"What time did your Dad say dinner was, kiddo?"

"Umm, six o'clock, and he's making chicken nuggets so we better not be late!" I yelled, laughing.

"We'll make it once this idiot moves out of the way," growled my Uncle playfully, beeping his horn at the black SUV in front of us, the car completely blocking the lane as it came to a standstill.

"Why is he stopped?" I wondered, causing my Uncle to shrug, beeping his horn again.

After a few more seconds, the dark SUV pulled away speedily, racing off down a sharp bend, disappearing out of sight.

"I hate when people go on their phones when driving. They're never paying attention." said Uncle Max, looking over at me with squinted eyes. "You better not do it once you start driving, kiddo."

"When I shift I won't need to drive anyway. Plus, I'll be a fighter, so I'll be super fast!" I said, kicking my legs excitedly, causing my Uncle to laugh.

"And you'll be the best one out there!"

"Yep! No one will want to mess with me!"

Suddenly, a horn blared from behind us, and Uncle Max swore under his breath, shaking his head, looking into the wing mirror.

I followed his actions, noticing the same large SUV from earlier on our tail end, the anger gesturing angrily.

"How did that idiot get behind us?" mumbled my Uncle, growling under his breath.

Again, the SUV honked, quickly over taking us down the narrow lane, nearly pushing us into the near side forestry.

"What are you doing you dumb fuck?!" yelled my Uncle out of the window, causing me to cringe at his harsh language, my heart rate starting to quicken as we skidded to a stop, my Uncle nearly losing control of the car, leaving it in the middle of the road, facing sideways instead of forwards.

"Jared, you okay?" panicked my Uncle as he looked over at me, giving me a quick look up and down.

I nodded vigorously, my hands shaking from the near crash, feeling relieved we hadn't been send flying into the bushes.

Suddenly, I gasped to myself as the SUV spun around quickly at the top of the road, the driver revving the engine as he began to accelerate towards us, his tyres hitting spinning against the gravel, sending small stones flying up into the air.

"Uncle Max, what is he doing?!" I yelled, as I panicked, my shaking hands attempting to unbuckle my seat belt, but I couldn't take my eyes off the large car hurtling towards my side of the car, his speed increasing rapidly by the second.

"No! Jared!" boomed my Uncle, realising that there was no time for me to move, quickly leaping out the car, shifting into his large black wolf, smashing through the windscreen, and moving so he was standing in front of the passenger side door.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled , tears streaming down my face as I watched my Uncle's wolf brace himself for the impact, my sweaty hands finally unbuckling my seatbelt in an attempt to jump out of the car, but there was no time.

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