Chapter 21 | Pressure

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I stood, frozen in shock at the voice echoing through the telephone, my body breaking out into a sweat and my heartrate increasing, my heart feeling as if it was about to beat out of my chest.

"Who is this?" I hissed, anger bubbling up inside of me at the threat, racking my brain with ideas on what to say, but my mind was blank.

"That's not important. I just need you to do exactly as I say," the voice mumbled, the husky tone causing bile to rise up my throat, a wave of nausea overcoming me.

"What do you want with my brother?" I asked, tears dribbling down my cheeks at the thought of how terrified Jared probably was, defenceless and confused.

"Meet me at the warehouse on Oakers Street by the end of the day. If you're not here before dark, your brother will no longer have a head," threatened the man, his heavy breathing echoing throughout my eardrum, causing my ears to ring.

"You were the one who kept calling," I mumbled to myself, causing the voice to let out a raspy chuckle.

"As I said, if you want to see your brother alive again, meet us in the warehouse, and I'll be able to hear if you've brought anyone, so come alone, or I'll slice Jared's neck."

"What warehouse?" I asked, wiping at my eyes, running my hands through my dark hair furiously.

"It's an old abandoned warehouse at the end of the street. You can't miss it."

"What do you want? What's going to happen when I come and meet you?" I questioned, knowing that his demand wasn't going to end well.

"Well, if you don't come, your brother is going to die," the man chuckled, causing my grip on my phone to tighten, furious that he was laughing whilst he was holding my brother captive.

"And if I do come?"

"Well, you'll have to see, Clara. Maybe we can sort something out."

I shook my head, growling under my breath, knowing I had no choice. If I didn't meet this man by tonight, my brother was going to be killed, and if I asked anyone to help me, Jared would still end up dead.

I knew meeting this sadistic man was probably not going to end well for either myself or Jared, but I couldn't sit back and do nothing.

I was hoping I could bargain with him, get to know what he truly wanted and why, because Jared and I were innocent targets who were unluckily chosen as victims for this man's sick and twisted game.

Whether he wanted money, power, or just the chance to fulfil his dark and fiendish fantasy by kidnapping someone, I was hoping I could change his mind, and convince him that whatever he was doing was wrong, and he was only going to wind up arrested or dead.

"Who are you?" I grumbled, my wolf fuming inside of me, begging me to let her out.

"All will be explained once I see you, Clara," replied the voice, causing me to shake my head, sighing deeply.

"Do not touch Jared, or I will hurt you," I ordered, attempting to sound as threatening as I possibly could, but all I received back was a laugh, which I was more than expecting.

"See you soon."

I pulled the phone away from my ear, staring at the screen in utter shock as the man hung up, causing me to drop my mobile to the grass, crumbling in a heap on the ground, looking around to check Dylan wasn't watching.

I allowed the tears to dribble down my cheeks and chin, holding back a sob as I ran my hands down my face in disbelief.

There was no need to search for my brother any longer; I knew exactly where he was, but I was unsure of what condition he was in, or if he was still alive at all. I couldn't think of what this man could want, but I knew I needed to prepare myself for the worst.

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