Chapter 41 | What Did I Miss?

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I wiped at my wet eyes as I brought the hot cup of green tea to my lips, taking a quick sip, enjoying the feeling of the steaming hot liquid coating my sore throat.

"Is that better?" questioned my mate, sitting across from my hospital bed, his elbows leaning on his knees as he leaned forward, his fingers laced together.

I nodded, setting my beverage down on the side table next to me, leaning back against my plump pillow, shifting uncomfortably as an aching pain struck through my ribs.

Dylan grimaced at my pain, sighing. "You should be almost fully healed by now. I'm hoping the doctor will let me take you home soon."

"Home as in?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"My house."

Nodding, I took a deep breath, swallowing harshly. "I hope you're not being too harsh on Dean."

"He hasn't stopped apologising to me," replied Dylan, running his hands through his hair, making his way over to my and perching on the end of my bed.

"He saved me though."

"I know," said Dylan, nodding, "I admit I maybe said some things to him that I regret, but that's only because you were unconscious and the doctor didn't have an answer to when you would wake up."

"Alpha Paul would have killed me if he wasn't there."

"I should have been there," growled my mate, his eyes darkening, causing me to grab his hand, caressing it slowly, my brows furrowed.

"You got to me as soon as you could."

"The driver drove through the back roads, where there was no signal, but after a little while Dean managed to get hold of me. I had to snap the driver's neck and smash the window because he was refusing to stop."

I sighed, my eyes watering yet again at the thought of what my own Alpha had done to me. "I'm scared he did something to me when I was unconscious. I'm scared he touched me."

Dylan growled lowly in his chest, his breathing becoming heavier. "The doctor examined you and couldn't find any sign of trauma. I also would have felt it if he had gone any further. I think Dean got to you just in time."

"I want to thank him."

"I have already, but I'm sure he would love to hear it from you."

I nodded, smiling as Dylan pressed a soft kiss to my lips, caressing the back of my neck gently.

"How many people died?" I asked, my face becoming pale.

Puffing out a large gust of air, Dylan got up, crossing his arms across his chest, looking nervous.

"Dylan?" I mumbled, my mouth suddenly becoming dry.

"Six of your fighters died in the fight. The rest of them surrendered once they saw what Alpha Paul had done to you."

I gulped, looking up at my mate with teary eyes, my hands shaking in my lap. "What about...?"

Dylan furrowed his brows, running his tongue along the front of his teeth, avoiding eye contact with me.

"What happened to Matthew, Dylan?" I pressed, my heart practically beating out of my chest.

"It doesn't look good, Clara."

I allowed the tears to fall as memories of my friendship with Matthew came flooding back, thinking about all of the good times we had spent together growing up, and how he had been there for me through everything.

We had grown apart a little bit since he had become a fighter a few years ago, the majority of his schedule being taken up with practise, but our bond had remained, and I knew I could rely on him for anything.

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