Chapter 27 | Was It Really Love?

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I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes, confusion overwhelming me. I furrowed my brows, clearing my throat as I gazed up at the ceiling above me, attempting to slowly move my limbs; hissing in pain.

"Jared?" I mumbled, crawling across the stone cold floor towards the bars that separated my unconscious brother. "Jared, can you hear me?"

I ran my fingers through my soggy hair, ignoring the searing feeling that danced across my skin, making me extremely aware of how red and burnt it was from the wolfsbane, however, I knew I would heal quickly, unlike my brother.

I pulled myself to my feet, looking around the room, the smell of metal and burning flesh wafting up my nostrils, reminding me of the torture my brother and I had endured.

However, it hurt me more to see Jared in agony, knowing that there was nothing I could do to stop it or take it away.

The way my Mother had acted had angered me, and I knew that she was no longer the kind hearted and loving woman she once was, but instead, was cold and emotionless, acting as if we were strangers.

A part of me had hoped that she was going to be overwhelmed with joy to see Jared and I, and would return to the pack and forget all about Sawyer, but I knew it was too good to be true, and the love for her mate would always win against the love for her children.

It was clear she didn't want us here, not even taking up space in their cells, and was furious that Sawyer had wasted time torturing Jared and I. She wanted to pretend that we never existed, and I wanted to do the same with her.

Dylan racked my mind, and I sighed, not knowing if I was ever going to see him again. Memories from my old pack started to take over, and my eyes welled up with tears as I wished I could see everyone just one last time.

"Jared, please wake up," I cried, wiping at my wet cheeks as tears rolled down them, the fact that I couldn't tell if my brother was alive or not killing me from the inside out.

Suddenly, I gasped as footsteps echoed throughout the room, and my heart started to palpitate at the thought of Sawyer coming back to finish me off, drowning me with yet another bucket of wolfsbane infested water.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his smirking face before he ended everything, just hoping it would be as quick and painless as possible.


My eyes shot open at the voice, and I jumped forwards to the edge of the bars as I looked up at my mate in complete shock. "Dylan!"

"We don't have much time, come on," urged Dylan as he reached through the bars, grabbing onto my handcuffs and yanking them off me, causing me to furrow my brows, gazing down at his slightly reddened hands.

"They have wolfsbane on them, how did they not hurt you?" I mumbled.

"I'm an Alpha, remember?" answered my mate, ushering me away from the door as he kicked it with as much force as he could muster, sending it flying into the wall behind me, crumbling into multiple pieces.

"We need to get Jared some help," I begged as I made my way out of the cell quickly, watching as Dylan kicked at Jared's cell door, causing it to dangle off the hinges, falling to the floor in a heap.

Jumping over the small puddle of wolfsbane infested water, I crouched down next to my brother, sighing in relief once I realised he was still breathing. "He's alive, but his breathing doesn't sound very strong; we need to get him out of here."

Dylan nodded, making his way over to us and carefully hoisting Jared up, throwing him over his shoulder, yanking his handcuffs off and looking me up and down, raising his eyebrows. "Are you okay? How hurt are you? Can you walk? If not I'll come back and get Jared after I've brought you to the car."

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