Chapter 14 | Pain

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I looked up through glassy eyes, looking into Dylan's stormy orbs, my head throbbing. Gia took hold of my face, turning it until I was looking at her; her face masked with concern.

"We need to get you home," she stated, pulling into a standing position and wrapping her arm around me, supporting most of my weight.

"What happened?" asked a concerned Jared as he wheeled over quickly, attempting to reach out to me, but my mate growled in response.

"No one touch her!" ordered Dylan, causing Gia to scoff, shaking her head.

"I get that you're worried about her Dylan, but you do not get to tell me what to do when my best friend is going through something like this. How is this happening so fast anyway? I haven't heard of a heat starting this quickly!"

"I'm an Alpha, Gia. The process is very different to other wolves." Dylan growled, his jaw tensed after hearing Gia's harsh tone.

"Someone tell me what the hell is going on?!" demanded my brother.

"Please, don't fight. I just want to sleep," I mumbled, scrunching my nose up, rubbing at my temples.

"We'll take you home," offered Gia, causing me to shake my head.

"I don't want my Dad to see me like this. I know it's only going to get worse," I replied.

"You can stay with me," said Dylan, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently, causing tingles to dance along my skin. It almost felt as if the sharp pain in my stomach dulled due to Dylan's touch, warming me from the inside, causing me to smile to myself.

Gia shook her head, furrowing her brows. "Is that really a good idea?"

Dylan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, letting go of my hand and taking a few deep breaths, attempting to calm himself. "You're right. She needs to be somewhere safer."

"She is safe! What are you talking about?" asked Jared, running his hands through his hair, wheeling up to me, gazing into my glassy eyes. "Clara, what's going on?"

Gia raised her eyebrows at me, her mouth set in a firm line, causing me to sigh, nodding my head. "Tell him," I whispered.

"She's in heat," replied Gia, causing Jared to blink quickly, taking in the information.

"How can she be in heat? She doesn't have a mate?" questioned my shocked brother.

I looked over at Dylan, his jawline tensed due to gritted teeth, the muscle slowly moving as he swallowed.

The sight of him made my muscles tense up, including down below, which made Dylan clear his throat, turning away as he hung his head back, running his hands down his face in frustration.

Suddenly, Jared's eyes widened, and he looked between Dylan and I, his brows furrowing. "Is he...?"

I nodded, shooting my little brother a regretful expression, feeling guilty for not mentioning it to him sooner.

"You didn't tell me, or Dad," he mumbled, shaking his head at me.

"I was going to," I replied. "You were just so down about that fact that you couldn't be a fighter, I didn't want to add another issue to the mix."

"You thought I would be upset that you found your mate?" asked Jared, shaking his head.

I replied with a nod, dropping my gaze.

"Clara, am I jealous that other people can walk and I can't? Hell yes. But that's because it's something I'll never be able to do. You finding your mate hasn't made me upset, because I know mine is out there waiting for me, and it's going to make dealing with all of this being paralysed crap worth it. I'm not upset, I'm happy for you, and Dad will be too."

Alpha DylanWhere stories live. Discover now