Chapter 32 | Don't Play Dumb

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I watched with disapproval as Amelia chewed on her bottom lip, her brows furrowing as she quickly turned away back to her friends, continuing to dance.

Jared sighed next to me, gazing at Amelia longingly for a few seconds before shaking his head, cursing under his breath and wheeling back out of the front door, Gia and Matthew quickly following him.

"Wait here," I growled to my mate, strolling over to Amelia and her group of friends, tapping her on the shoulder, keeping my face stern as a tipsy Amelia turned around, raising her eyebrows at me expectedly.

"What was that?" I asked coldly, shaking my head.

"What was what?" Amelia questioned, pursing her lips as she crossed her arms across her large chest.

"You know what I'm talking about."

Amelia sighed, turning to her friends quickly and holding up a finger to them, before she grabbed my hand, pulling me into a nearby closet, slamming the door behind us.

"Look Clara, I get that you're Dylan's mate and my future Luna, and I don't want to disrespect you, but you're making it pretty difficult," huffed Amelia, pushing a few loose hangers away from her face.

"Is he your mate?" I asked, wanting to just get to the point.


"Don't play dumb, just tell me if he's your mate or not," I growled, beginning to grow impatient.

Amelia pushed her curled blonde hair out of her face, crossing her arms yet again and turning to face the wall, shaking her head. "Okay, yes, I think so. Not that I care. Is that what you wanted? What is it to you anyway?"

"He's my brother," I stated, causing Amelia to spin around with raised eyebrows.

"Is that why you brought him here? To try and set us up? Alpha Dylan never has parties, I should have known," said Amelia, rolling her eyes, glaring at me. " Tell me the truth Clara. Is that why he had this party? So you could set us up?"

"My brother, Jared, smelled you when I came home wearing your sweatshirt, so yes, Dylan organised this party to confirm if you were mates."

"Wow, no pressure," scoffed Amelia.

"Amelia, there isn't any pressure to-"

"Yes, there is Clara!" she interrupted, her voice slightly raised, causing me to growl warningly at her. "If I don't accept him then I'm the heartless bitch who broke his heart, so yeah, there is a little bit of pressure!

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, concerned why Amelia had brought up the subject of not accepting Jared, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Why would you not accept him?" I pressed, gaining a huff from Amelia.

"You want the truth? I don't like being told what to do."

"Shocker," I joked, rolling my eyes.

Amelia sighed, shaking her head. "You don't get it Clara, I don't want to love someone because I'm told it's the right thing to do or the right way to feel. I want to have a genuine connection with someone, and slowly fall in love, not just rush into a relationship with a guy I barely know because the universe tells me we should be together."

"I'm eighteen. I'm not looking for something right now. I don't want to settle down. I'm very happy being able to do what I want whenever I want."

"What did you feel when you saw him?" I questioned, watching as Amelia closed her eyes, tilting her head back, breathing slowly.

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