Chapter 7.3

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Alone on the bridge, Celeste reclined in the captain's chair. With the ship safely docked, Moon had gone out to the docking platform to meet his friend, Silver.

A sense of foreboding set Celeste on edge, and she shook her head. No, not a friend, more like a shady business associate. I don't trust him.

The Phoenix Star, or rather the Raven Sky, rested motionless in the vacuum of space, connected to the port on a cylindrical platform arm. Several arms extended from a central hub like spider legs. With two docked ships per arm, the platforms were indeed full. Robotic and manned maintenance drones crawled over the ships like new spider hatchlings. Celeste wondered who Silver displaced to make room for Moon's ship.

The Oracle space station resembled a massive dandelion seed head, consisting of many rounded habitat disks mounted on tubes radiating out from a spherical core. Each pod represented an expansion over the station's five-hundred-year life. It served as a central hub for mining operations of the metals-rich asteroid fields in the Delphi system.

Taking advantage of free time, Celeste connected to the infoweb via the station interface. With the ship com array down, it had been months since they had seen any news. She searched for her name. The results shown on the display panel in front of her brought only dismay. Numerous references mentioned her as a dangerous fugitive.

I am still wanted as a terrorist. Apparently, they know we survived the torpedo.

Scrolling through the tabs with waves of her hand, one announcement caught her eye, drawing out an audible growl. "Ali, you cowering witch..."

Sai responded, "Priestess, are you unwell?"

Celeste unclenched her fists and took a deep cleansing breath. "I'm fine, Sai. But I am no longer a Priestess. Our puppet of an Empress Pro-Tempore had me thrown out of the Sol Priesthood. Apparently, I brought shame to the order." She slumped into the chair.

"I would beg to differ, Priestess. The true Sol Empress heirs grow within you. Logically, that makes you the one true Priestess."

She rubbed her hands across her swollen belly. "I suppose so. But others do not see it that way."

"I do, Priestess. And so does Captain Moon."

Celeste smiled. "Thank you, Sai. I needed that affirmation." She straightened up in the chair, grimacing at the effort it took to heft herself up. "Are you able to see what Moon is doing out there?"

"Yes, Priestess. Most of my external visual sensors are not functional, but I tied into the dock monitor system."

"Show me."

An image of just outside the ship appeared on the display panel. Moon and Silver stood next to one of three crates on the dock, engaged in an animated discussion. Another tall and rough-looking man with dark curly hair stood behind Silver, scowling as he watched the negotiation. Moon stepped up on the side of an open crate, lifted the hinged lid, and lifted out a round orange block. He presented it to Silver.

Celeste murmured. "Looks like Moon is trading away our cheese." She looked up. "Any audio, Sai?"

"No, Priestess. There are no sound receivers near enough for clear audio."

At another crate, Moon pulled out two folded garments, letting them unfurl as he held them up. Silver scanned the shimmery party dresses with his eyes and reached out to stroke the fabric. They were obviously designed to highlight the feminine assets of the wearer. Yet another crate contained colored bottles of wine and liquor.

Someone is going to be disappointed that their fancy party supplies will not arrive.

Moon threw his arms out, then approached Silver with a pointed finger. The other man jumped between them, pushing Moon back. The discussion continued until Moon dipped his head and walked away. Silver grinned.

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