Chapter 3.4

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Please, no...

Celeste pleaded to herself as she burst into the galley and snatched up her black duffle bag. The stasis tube brought only heartbreak. Small red lights blinked on the control panel and red letters displayed the message 'stasis fail'. She clutched the tube to her chest and slid down the wall to a sitting position, her eyes closed and bottom lip trembling.

Shame cut her heart like a hot dagger. My one true purpose... I've failed.

Moon swung around the doorway, his eyes wide. "Celeste, what is it?"

She turned moistened eyes up to him and turned the stasis tube control panel to him, showing her failure.

He dipped his head. "I'm sorry. There must be something we can do?"

She clamped her eyes shut again, squeezing out from the corners, and tightened her lips. Think, Celeste, think! There must be some way.

Her eyes snapped open. "Moon, are you fertile?"

His jaw dropped. "Yeah, I think so. I do have protection, but this is really not the time for--"

"I need a sample of your semen." Celeste spoke with an urgency.

Moon's eyes widened, and he froze in place. "Umm, what?"

"The stasis failure was recent enough that the ova may still be alive, but not for long. The only option for their survival is to fertilize the eggs."


She narrowed her eyes. "I don't see any other males around here! I'll just have to do with your genetic profile."

He furrowed his brow. "Hey, I have good genetics!"

"Whatever. Just get on with it. We have little time."

"Uhh, I'm not ready to be a father."

"Moon, the future of humanity is at stake. The Sol Priesthood will see to raising the children. You will not have any responsibilities. I saw the Writings in your room, so I know you are sympathetic to the Sol Way. This is the only way to preserve the Line of the Empress. Please."

He stammered. "So, you want me to... Umm. Right here? Now?"

"I'm sure you know how." Celeste rolled her eyes. By the Creator, he can be so clueless...

"Well, yeah, but... I mean, I can't do it just like that. I have to be in the right frame of mind." His face paled, and he gulped. "This is really weird."

She blew out a breath, still sitting on the floor. "Fine! I'll help you."

"You would? But Celeste, you're a Priestess... Can you...?"

"My vows only require dedication to the Sol Empress. There is no requirement of chastity or sexual purity."

Moon's eyebrows lifted. "Really? That's good to know." He shook his head. "But this has to be the worst seduction scene ever."

She growled. "This is not about your sexual pleasure!" Still sitting on the floor, she scooted closer to him and tugged at his belt. "Please, Moon. For the good of all humanity, drop your pants!"


Celeste's face brightened with a broad smile as she stared at the magnified images on the screen. She moved the microscope lens across the culture plate, searching for new life. 

So small. So precious. There is still hope.

Moon walked in and peered over her shoulder while wiping his hands on a rag. His eyes widened. "Is that what I think it is?"

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