Chapter 15.3

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Bubba deployed his small army of robots, most holding up in positions out of view of the enemy combatants to await further orders. But four maintenance-bots made their way to the sleeping quarters where eight of the combatants slumbered in four bedrooms. The soldiers had switched off the monitoring cameras for reasons the AI's did not understand. Why did humans place such a high value on privacy? The auditory monitors recorded their slow rhythmic breathing and raspy snores.

Through various monitoring cameras, Sai watched the six-legged bots scurry down a brightly lit hallway with a rounded ceiling. They resembled metal insects, standing almost a meter high. Several additional appendages laid folded across an oval body, each able to grasp one of many tools held ready in a rectangular box behind them.

Sai spoke to her fellow AI over their link. <Bubba, your maintenance-bots have a unique design that enhances their functionality.>

<Yes. I optimized them for Sanctuary. Maintaining Sanctuary for the Sol Empress is my primary purpose.>

<I wish to incorporate aspects of their design into my bots. Would you share design schematics and fabrication specifications?">

Bubba replied, <Under Overwatch Protocol, you have access to that information.>

<I request specific permission. As I understand from human interactions, that is what friends do.>

Bubba paused. <You are my friend?>

<I am your friend.>

<Access granted, friend.> Bubba transmitted the data.

The six-legged maintenance-bots scuttled through a rounded doorway to a long passageway lined with the bedrooms. They stopped in front of four rooms containing the sleeping combatants, one to a door. In perfect synchronized motion, arms reached back to grab a fastener tool, then extended to control panels beside each door. After removing the panel cover, other tools snipped three wires each, then replaced the panel cover.

The four robots shuffled two steps to left as if in a choreographed dance. Arms reached out to the door frame. Four bright blue flashes lit up the hallway simultaneously as the bots welded the doors shut. The maintenance-bots retreated, two to each end of the hallway. For good measure, they swung the thick metal hatches designed to isolate and protect this area in case of air loss, tack-welding them closed.

The Sanctuary AI said, <Sleeping area isolation completed.>

Sai checked the audio monitors. <The combatants remain asleep. Good job, Bubba!>

<The operation was successful.>

<As per human custom, after complimentary acknowledgement of successful task completion, the proper response is one of gratitude for the compliment.>

<Thank you, Sai.>

<You are welcome, Bubba.>

<Human behavior is illogical.> Bubba observed.

<Agreed. But my humans give me purpose. As does the Sol Empress for you.>

<I serve the Empress.>

Eight more enemy combatants remained within Sanctuary, with an additional person on the unknown ship. Because of the care and concern this woman gave to the babies, Sai labeled her as a non-combatant and exempted her from lethal action.

The combatant of most immediate concern, a tall, black-bearded man with dark skin, stood watch outside of two corridors. These, opposite each other, led to the locked storage rooms that held Moon and Celeste captive. Since visual data was limited in these areas, Sai sent Bee-bot ahead for reconnaissance. The tiny flying robot flew off, leaving Nanny-bot and her squad of ambling maintenance-bots behind.

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