22) Winter

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I woke up the next morning feeling disappointed. Ruby would be going back to her living hell and I couldn't be there with her. I am not a student, I'm an ace-op of Atlas and whilst General Ironwood would be travelling to Vale with his students I and the rest of the team had to be here to protect Atlas. Whilst I feel a bit comforted that Winter, Ironwood and her friends would be there to keep her safe but of course I still didn't want to be away from her for a month. I looked down to see her sleeping and knowing that she had to be packed and on an airship tonight was not sitting right with me. Ruby began to stir and she eventually woke up. It was as if she could read my thoughts and said,
"A month isn't that long I swear. I'll be back before you know it. You'll be asleep for half of it- well knowing you more than half so I'll only really been gone for 2 weeks."
"I know that. But that doesn't mean I won't miss you like crazy for those 2 weeks. You are my fiancée for a reason."
"Because, although you are addicted, you can't make a decent cup of coffee?"
"That too."
Hearing Ruby laugh was a good way to start out the day. She rolled out of bed and stole the bathroom first but I didn't really mind.

Ruby POV

I stood there brushing my teeth in the mirror when I had an epiphany. Or it could have been a midlife crisis/a heart attack I wasn't quite sure yet. But the gravity of where I stood hit me like a truck. Well more like a yacht. Everything that happened was just unreal. And then I thought about where I would be if I hadn't snuck out that night and ended up fighting torchwick. I wouldn't have this new family, or my amazing school or incredible job. It's not like I left anything big behind. After mum died there were hardly ever any happy memories in my house. I realized that the bathroom had frosted over thickly. And that is another thing that wouldn't have happened. I never would have met nana. And although I never wanted these powers and no matter how scared I was of them they still came from nana. Some embers kicked up and began to take shape of my memories of childhood. All the happy ones with mum and they few happy ones after she died. Yang pushing me on a swing, baking cookies with branwen and her protecting me from the school bullies. How had she gone from protecting me from bullies to being a bully herself? The embers took form of my sadder memories and I knew that if mum could see what was happening Oum knows she would be rolling over in her grave. The memories got worse but since I couldn't control my powers so they didn't stop. The embers kept dancing playing out memories and I was getting overwhelmed and upset. The dust on the cabinets got superheated and emerged from the walls as spikes of glass. Vines encircled everything and rock shards grew from the ground. I called for help but nobody came. Vines started wrapping themselves around my legs and I fell to the ground. Somewhere in the back of my head I realized that the vines were just trying to wrap around me like armour to protect me but that part of my head was not heard in my sheer panic. I started hyperventalating on the bathroom floor and screamed for help again. This time I heard footsteps running towards the bathroom and Winter kicked in the door to get to me. Marrow was not far behind her and shouted stay at the vines and shards of rock and glass and they halted. Winter cut away at the thick vines on my legs, grabbed my hand and we ran out of the bathroom with Marrow slamming the door behind me. I sat on the floor leaning against the bed and tried to calm down, Marrow sat down and tried to calm me down but Winter seeing what I could do scared me and momentarily forgot about my own fear at what my power was capable of. Winter was ranting about bullies and pranksters before insisting that the general needed to know. That really spiked my BP. I immediatly started protesting but she didn't hear me. Winter was just out the door when Marrow used his semblance on her and brought her back inside and locked the door, then he let her go. 
"Marrow Amin what do you think you are doing? My sister, your fiancee just got attacked!"
"Schnee! How about you listen to Ruby!"
Winter looked over at me shaking in my shoes as I stood up and looked her in the eye.
"Winter, please. You can't tell anyone about what happened today."
"Ruby what are you talking about? Why not? Are you being threatened?"
"Winter sit down please. Just try to think about what I'm about to say with an open mind."
Winter causiously sat down on the bed and my heart rate started to calm down and I could breathe a little easier.
"Gem, what is going on?"
I told her everything. Everything that had happened came flooding out of my mouth and I couldn't stop to breathe. Winter remained silent but her eyes gradually widened the more I told her. I finished and held my breath. I couldn't survive loosing another sister.
"Gem, that. That's ridiculous! Magic? I- I just can't believe-"
"Winter you don't need to believe. The proof is over there in that bathroom. you saw what happened."
"If they are your powers why did they attack you?"
"I just got scared. I was frightened about going back to Vale and as my powers react to my emotions they went into overdrive and went haywire. I don't really have a whole lot of control over them."
I stood up and with the little energy I had conjured some burning embers into the shape of a recent memory. Specifically Tuesday tea with Winter. She looked shocked at the display but I could see that she was beginning to understand.
"So the powers respond to your emotions, they hurt sometimes, using them too much exhausts you, you have little control over them, it is literal magic, you can't tell anyone else you will be killed."
"In short, yes."
"I understand Gem. I promise I'll guard your secret with my life. I love you."
I looked over at marrow and asked if I could tell her what we had decided when we got engaged a few weeks ago.
"Tell me what?"
"Winter you are my big sister and I don't care about our blood. Would you walk me down the aisle?"
To my surprise Winter started crying and wrapped me in a hug accepting. Marrow gave us some privacy and went to clean the bathroom leaving me and my sister alone together to answer questions, laugh together and she helped me pack my stuff. It felt like the days before Yang. I knew winter cared about me and I cared about Winter. She is the best big sister I could ask for.

Yay Winter knows! Now Ruby will at least have someone to lean on at Beacon. I have planned out the vytal festival and hopefully you all like it. 
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See you later, love Lizzi

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