40) Keep Living

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"Ruby please, at least leave the house. I'm heading to the safezone in eastern Vale today for some groceries and maybe we could get you some more clothes? I doubt you like sleeping in Yang's pyjamas."
"You raised me, get whatever clothes you think will fit me. And could you get some sleeping pills whilst you are out?"
I sighed and leaned against the doorframe just looking at my dear daughter who was now gazing at the window, had yet to leave her bed or eat more than a tiny nibble and was asking for sleeping pills. I only wish I knew what Summer would have done. But there was nothing I could do, and it really did kill me to see her in such a state and not be able to help her. But if she needed more time then she would have more time. So downstairs I grabbed some shopping bags and put my shoes on ready to go and trusting Qrow to call if there was an emergency. But just as I was about to leave Ruby appeared next to me leaning mostly on her 3-footed walking stick as it still hurt her to walk. She looked surprisingly put together considering just how many times she had fallen apart anywhere in the house doing anything at any given time. Ruby still had bloodshot eyes with dark bags under them and she looked paler than usual and extremely weak what with bandages, small cuts and bruises her aura hadn't gotten around to healing. But she stood beside me now wearing her friends' hat and hairbands, a long sleeved red wine top and some black cargo trousers, she had her scythe with her and I could see her military ID clipped onto her trouser pocket. I opened the door for her and she shuffled outside. Most of the island saw the broadcast and saw her crying over Penny but luckily Yang hadn't left the house either so that was all the neighbours knew of what had happened and most cast her pitying looks that she didn't look up to see. I put a hand on her shoulder and we both shuffled over to the docks and grabbed 2 seats on the mostly vacant ferry. Ruby brought her knees up to her chest to hug her legs and zoned out for most of the ride. Finally we docked on the mainland and Ruby once again shuffled off the boat and outside. The city was incredibly quieter than it was a mere 5 days ago but there were more people out than I had thought there would be, it made sense seeing as so many people had been relocated and needed clothes and other supplies. Ruby left my side and walked towards the military base, of course, I should have known that she would put her work first and check in on things. 
"Ruby, what about your clothes?"
"Lounge pants please, meet you back here in an hour."
Whelp she's gone, I guess I have to go find lounge pants.

Ruby POV

I flashed my ID card at the entrance to the base and the guards looked surprised to see me.  I suppose it made sense since the last the military saw of me was my ship falling from the sky and then a huge white light now I show up looking a right state, I hated how weak I looked. I walked best I could into the control centre and it was just as one would expect, the place had only half dead looking soldiers and empty containers of coffee. 
"Captain, good to see you alive sir."
"Specialist Rose! It is indeed good to see you alive, where have you been the last thing we saw was the ship falling and 10 minutes later a giant white flash, was that you?"
"Yes the white flash was me. I'm sorry I didn't come by sooner, fresh out of surgery. How are communications coming?"
"We have a primitive communicator that can allow us to send through binary orders for equipment and supplies but that thing is breaking quickly and we can't send a real communication through. Until we have the CCT tower there is no real way of communicating with them and with restricted airspace supplies can only come in and we can't get people out unless it is on foot and we simply can't spare the huntsmen for it."
"Well then all we can do is wait until things have cooled down. You said we could get supplies in right?"
"Correct, did you need something?"
I handed him a small piece of paper with instructions on how to access my workshop,
"Yes, I'll be needing this from my laboratory. Think you can do that?"
"Yes, of course Miss Rose. That will be taken care of. Is there anything else you needed?"
"No Captain. Do give me a shout if I can help with anything, and I want to know immediately if a communication channel is established but for now I've been up and about a bit too long so I'll be heading home."
"Will do Specialist Rose."

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