15) What Now?

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I came around in agony. My body protested and my head screamed at me for moving even slightly. Everything was blurry and I could barely see. I felt white-hot and looking to the side a little I could see why. My hand was on fire. Upon inspection both my hands were engulfed on flame Why wasn't I screaming? Aura could protect me from a lot but not that much so I was left to simply gaze in shock at the sight of my own hands. I couldn't feel anything, unfortunately that also meant that I couldn't feel myself hyperventilation. Of course I was scared My hands were on fire after a lightshow happened in my room last night. The only thing I could think to do was race into Nana's room to get help. I wish I hadn't. My heart broke when I saw Nana lying in bed with her eyes wide open but devoid of life. There was no light in her eyes and she did not breathe. In my horror I set myself ablaze. The fire that had occupied my hands now consumed my entire body and there was naught I could do but scream until I passed out again. Only a few minutes later I came around and shot up off the floor. Where I was laying had been singed to a charcoal black colour. I had no energy left to panic so an icey cold chill filled the empty space instead. It felt like I had been doused in ocean water and a deep sorrow overcame me. Nana was dead. Gone forever and she wasn't coming back no matter how sad I was. I fell to my knees as sobs wreaked my body and shook my shoulders. There was something so harrowing about finding the body yourself that made you want to puke. So puke I did. I threw up on Nana's carpet and continued to cry. It took a bit but I pulled myself together just enough to close her eyes and call the authorities. Within 10 minutes an undertaker had taken Nana's body away leaving me alone in her house. Nana knew she was going to die. When we first met she said something about it being the end of her days and she had written a will. There were 2 letters left on her bedside table. One was her last testament and the other was a letter addressed to me.  The funeral director who had arrived left Ruby alone with her letter whilst she read the final testament.

Dear Ruby,
My days are at their end and time is waning quickly. It is the 6th day of your stay here and I do not know how much time I have left. When you read this I shall be gone and at peace. Be assured I am at peace. I only want you to mourn me for a single day. You will not tear yourself up over this understood girl? 1 day only, the rest of the time you get the hell on with your life. As I remember it the transferral of the power is a painful process. As you know from my stories the maidens of remnant exist. A good deal of fairytales are true but incredibly warped. Even the craziest ones come from somewhere. You have just inherited the power of the Fall maiden. Do not be so quick to think yourself a monster Ruby. The power is passed on when a host dies and it goes to the one in her final thoughts. You have what it takes to be a maiden Ruby. I saw it in your silver eyes the day you saved me. You have been burdened with a daunting responsibility but also a great gift Ruby. I implore you to keep these powers a secret. The maidens aren't common knowledge because humanity is selfish and if the wrong person finds out you will be hunted to the ends of remnant. Whatever you do don't trust Ozpin. He claims to be there to protect the maidens but he has yet to tell anyone the full truth, even me. Your magic is powerful Ruby and responds to your emotions, do well to keep it in check. I believe you can be a huntress Ruby. For an old woman like myself I don't have much advice to part with but I do recommend this. Take caution with your sister and uncle but do not dismiss them entirely, try to find more time to spend with your father- good parents are hard to come by. And keep that boy-toy of yours around. You have that special glow in your heart whenever you speak of him and you don't find love like that on remnant these days. Whatever happens next Ruby is your choice. You can choose to just be a vessel to hide the powers or you can use them, Nobody can make you choose. I wish you the best of luck for your life Ruby and know that I am up in the afterlife with your mother swapping embarrassing stories of you.
Much love, Nana

I didn't realize that I had started crying again until I saw my tears on the paper. How can she only want me to mourn her for a day? But yeah swapping stories with mother sounds like a thing that nana would do. With a polite knock the funeral director came in and told me what the will had said, 
"She has left you some cook books and book she wrote herself about autumn. Everything else is to be given to charity. I'll have my people handle that. I was thinking that we may want to hold the funeral tomorrow-"
"No, Nana insists that she should only be mourned for a single day. as crazy as It sounds."
"Of course. I'll get everything ready. See you in an hour Miss Rose. With that she left me alone in the house once more. I couldn't really say or do anything, I was numb. It was way to much to absorb at once and I couldn't handle it. All to quickly I was being ushered to a graveyard and had the entire funeral service squeezed into an hour to make sure that we conformed to her wishes to not be mourned for more than a day. Turns out Nana was completely alone in this world as the priest and myself where the only ones to attend the funeral. To have lived such a long life only to have 2 people at your funeral. I walked home after the ceremony. I had no reason to stay so I grabbed the cookbooks and the beginners guide to being a maiden as Nana had called it and I left. I hopped onto my bike and made for patch. At least things on patch would be better, Dad and Marrow were there. It only just occurred to me that I have been radio silent for 2 weeks, god knows everyone is probably worried. But that is nothing compared to what I feel like. I genuinely feel that at any given moment I would snap and just loose my mind entirely. For once I was looking forward to going home.

RIP Nana. Good luck Ruby.
See you later, love Lizzi

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