7) 3 Weeks Gone

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Ruby POV

FINALLY! I could leave! Not that I didn't appreciate seeing dad because I did and I really miss him whilst I am in Atlas. Yang and Uncle Qrow on the other hand were driving me up the wall. I was ready to blow a fuse if I heard one more snide comment or smart remark from either of them. Luckily Atlas students were allowed to return 2 days before the start of term and I left home 1 day before that to accommodate for travel time across Remnant. I would be free from the hell of home. All my things are pre-packed all I needed to do was hop onto the first airship to Atlas I could find. So the moment dad had finished his breakfast I was practically dragging him to the car. Realistically I could drive myself but unfortunately there was an age limit on this sort of stuff. We made a quick stop so I could say bye to mum and I didn't bother saying goodbye to Uncle Qrow or Yang. So before I knew it I was on the mainland with Violet and Colbolt, I won't lie I was a tiny bit jealous that they both had mums and sisters that said goodbye to them and came to see them off but I didn't care for those feelings. I was happy to have dad behind me all the way. Colbolt's family were all incredibly nice and liked me a lot after I met them a few times, and when vi and I has a sleepover at his place. But I was happier still to see Winter and Marrow come out of the airship to greet us. Winter hugged me tightly and went to go speak to dad. Marrow threw his arm around my shoulders and we talked about how the holiday had been. 
"I got given the whole holiday off so I went home and visited my parents and siblings. Nana decided she was to hardcore for a nursing home and moved in with my parents. Also we couldn't find an close enough old people's home that accepted faunus. Either way my sister is happy that nana is living with us. My dad on the other hand has not taken to well to having is mother in law constantly around typical him you know. So Gem, how was the sister of terror?"
"Awful. Seriously they couldn't have taken it any worse. Uncle Qrow has got it in his head that I'm delusional and don't know that I'm actually miserable in Atlas. And god only knows what crawled up Yang's ass and died. Honestly I could not be more thankful to be free. Every 5 minutes there would be some form of argument, she could not go 15 seconds without saying something rude- for 2 constant weeks!" 
"Well luckily it is almost time to board the ship lets grab your things and go."
So Violet, colbolt, marrow, winter and myself grabbed luggage and said 1 last goodbye to everyone before walking up the ramp onto the ship. 1 nap and a book later I was home in Atlas. 

The rest of the Ace-ops, neon & flynt, nadir, reese, bolin and the General were waiting at the docking station to see us. It was an odd sort of family dynamic we had created but I loved it as much as I loved all of them. I didn't wait for the ship to land before transforming into rose petals and flying into the arms of Flynt and Nadir. I forgot just how much I missed everyone. Flynt kept an arm around my shoulders and talked about his Nana and visiting his uncle. The docking station valet were already taking care of our bags so violet came barrelling out soon after to hug clover and Neon. It was so good to be home. We decided to eat and sleep for today and then tomorrow go walk around Atlas. So I went back to my dorm to unpack. I was happy to have a private room so I  could utilize all the space without worrying about a roomie. In this case I used that space haphazardly throw my luggage down and collapse into bed. Jet lag completely screwed up my body clock and I was exhausted. Even so I pulled out my scroll and called dad. It rang for a bit before Dad picked up and put me on speaker phone. 
"Hey honey! Did you have a nice flight?"
"I slept for most of it yet I'm exhausted."
"That's just jetlag Rubes, sleep it off. Don't forget to give yourself a few days to adapt back into your military routine. Oh your sister is here, YANG! Come say hi to Ruby she just landed at school."
Yes, of course I want to talk to Yang than you for asking Dad. I'm sure this will go so very wonderfully, truly.
"Hey Ruby, you want to come home yet?"
"Yang I just got here, how could I leave a place I love so much?"
"I don't know- how can a person become unrecognizable?"
"By becoming a menace to their younger sister that's how!"
"Girls Please!"
"Alright I'm super tired I'll call you later dad bye!"

I didn't even wait for his response before I hung up on him. How can Yang snuff out joy so easily when she once brought it to me? I would almost be impressed if it didn't hurt so much. That doesn't matter anymore! I'm safe in Atlas now. I can take a nap and then go visit my real sister Winter. The one who actually cares about me! With that I ditched my dayclothes, changed into nightclothes and proceeded to sleep for 34 hours straight. The perfect way to start school! 

So given the characters in this chapter who do you think ruby will end up with? I'm already working on the next chapter so there shouldn't be much of a wait now. Vote if you liked it, consider following me and comment what you thought.
See you later, love Lizzi

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