19) A Mess

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The house was quiet when Ruby woke up. Somehow even with the inhabitants asleep the tension in the air still hadn't cleared. Yang's words were still ringing in her ears and Ruby knew that dealing with the fallout of this disaster was going to be unbearable. Seeing that it was almost 8:30 Ruby decided that there was no point wallowing and instead decided to get a pot of coffee going as everyone would wake soon. Ruby had gone to sleep in her dayclothes so she quietly slipped out of those and exchanged them for some black and grey leggings and one of her boyfriends blue and white military branded t-shirts that had his name on the back. Despite coming down to her thighs it was comfy so she wore it without caring what judgement her sister would undoubtedly cast upon her.
Slipping her feet into some slippers Ruby went down the stairs quietly as she could and set the coffee machine off to run. A few minutes later she poured herself some and sat at the kitchen table to begin working on her next tech assignment even though it wasn't due for weeks.

Ruby POV

My assignment wasn't due for a while but I figured I could get it out of the way now as I've nothing else to do. I decided not to do any research on my powers as I didn't want anything traced back to me. In hindsight I really should have just stayed in bed under my cosy covers. No, instead I had to be in the same 20 feet as Yang.
She sauntered downstairs like a heard of elephants not caring for the others sleeping and helped herself to coffee. Yang was still in the clothes from yesterday and my stomach was flipping just from having her near me. I was just praying that she wasn't going to have the audacity to talk to me.

"That's not your shirt."

Well there goes that wish out the window. After everything that happened yesterday not only does she have the gall to talk to me but this is what she says?

"No, it's not my shirt. Jealous are we?"
"Why would I be jealous? Jealous of being played?"
"I'm not getting played though."
"Rubes the guy is around 4 years older than you."
"I'm not seeing how that is any of your business."
"I'm just saying you are young and think you know what love is. And it is my job as a big sister to-"
"My big sister is at home in Atlas. You are no sister of mine."
"Ok Imma let that slide seeing as you may still be a little upset-"
"Let it slide? Little upset!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"
"RUBY! Don't take that sort of tone with me."
"Take that tone with You? Let's talk about the tone of yesterday huh?! How about what you actually said to me yesterday Xiao Long. You said it yourself that you aren't my sister, that Qrow isn't my uncle. And in doing so you also renounced Summer Rose as your mother. What actually went through your head? Were you thinking at all? Actually it doesn't even matter. You set me free Yang. As you and Qrow aren't my family that gives you no jurisdiction over me and I will feel substantially less guilty whenever you need a good slap!"
"You know for a few moments whilst you were away I was thinking about forgiving you. Accepting that you are my family and you will naturally make mistakes as you grow up but that was all pity wasn't it?! You really are just a snot-faced little brat! A pathetic little girl who thinks she is better than everyone! I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU IN THE FOREST THE NIGHT WE WENT LOOKING FOR MY MUM!"
"Then there would be a search party out for me and you would be grounded seems counter productive to me. You really have no ground to stand on when talking about brats. Oum knows mum thinks of you."
The clock ticked louder than ever but it didn't drown out the words ringing in my ears. The temperature in the room was suffocating and our audience I didn't see in the door way stood still. I was barely aware of the river streaming down my face. I couldn't quite feel the stabbing pain of her words as I was too numb. I was glad I was sitting down as I'm sure my legs would have given out otherwise.
In a quiet voice though it was as loud as I could muster I said,
"At least my mother wanted me."
Before continuing to say,
"You know I think leaving home to visit this place may have been a mistake."
Dad finally spoke up. I'd like to know what he was doing whilst Yang hurled those words at me.
"Honey no I'm sure this can be figured out."
"No! We are leaving and we will be out of your hair within the hour."
I quietly closed my laptop and stood on my shaky legs and left with Marrow in tow, his arm around my waist the only thing keeping me upright. We got to my room and sat down on the floor by the bed. We simply sat in silence for a few moments before I burst into tears. I sobbed into Marrow's shoulder until I ran out of tears. The room frosted over and vines grew from the cracks. The light bulbs blew and a large crack appeared in my window.
"I have to pack everything Marrow. I won't be coming back."
"What about your dad?"
"He stood there as Yang said that and he  has constantly been trying to justify her. I don't think I can call him my dad."

~~~Time Skip~~~

We just made it past the door and Marrow was loading my gear onto the bike when father came out to say goodbye,
"That's an awful lot of bags Rubes. You could just leave some of your stuff here."
"Why would I? I'm not coming back."
"Ruby you can just ignore Yang on your visits to me. You'll come home for your dad won't ya sweetheart?"
"My dad huh? Then tell me dad each time Yang has yelled such words over these 2 days. Each time Yang broke my heart why did you stand there watching? When Yang was screamed how she hated the love of your life, the mother of your child and hated me why would you do nothing? And then try to justify her actions? Why do you let her do this, why did you love her more? What did Yang have that I didn't? Am I not your daughter too? Goodbye father."
I let Marrow drive as I was in no state too. I hugged him tight as he drove me round the tiny little island so I could see it one last time before we got on the ferry headed for the mainland. And that would be the last time I saw my father for 2 and a half years.

Yes I cried whilst writing it. Don't judge. RIP the Rose-Xiao Long family. I'm going to go cry in a corner now.
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See you later, love Lizzi

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