4) Good Luck Ruby

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I am aware that Ruby is a bit OOC but people change depending on their environment. As Ruby is away from her family and at a militant school I think she would have changed from what Yang once knew.

~~~Time skip of 3 months~~~

Ruby POV

Today was just like any other day. At least it should have been. I woke up at exactly 6:45 like I had been doing every day. I spent 10 of those 15 minutes actually waking up and then from 6:55 to 7:10 I showered, changed, brushed my teeth and hair. I made sure all my homework was in my bag and made sure my uniform was pristine(I was granted permission to wear my cloak).
At 7:30 I grabbed my school bag, met Flynt, Neon, Amber, Violet and Colbolt and made it to our first class at 7:45. The morning was just like any other. Nothing to make me suspicious that something might change today.
Everyone did seem a bit more excitable but I summed it up to being a friday. I had 2 classes in the morning. Break, then 2 more classes. Lunch and then 2 more classes. I went to work and worked on armour repairs. The last platoon that went out into the tundra took quite the beating. Then it all changed.
Winter came in and asked if I had made any plans with my family. This really should have tipped me off but instead I was simply confused.
"Well I was planning on calling my father tonight I guess. But no I haven't made any plans with my family. Why?"
"Gem you do realize what today was right?"
"Its a Friday..."
"Yes Ruby. Its the last friday before the winter holidays!"
I raced over to the calendar on the wall and saw the date. 
"No! I don't want to go home. I can't face my uncle or my sister. What will I do with myself? Why can't I stay at the school with you? Your as much my family as they are!"
"Hey,hey. Easy there little Gem. This is the life you chose and even if she disapproves of it she cannot take it away. You have grown up so much in the last 3 months. Go pack your bags- the Ace-ops and I will come see you off. The last ship for Vale leaves in 2 hours."
"I can't go winter. Beacon break started yesterday so by the time I get home I'll have been gone for 3 days and Yang is bound to be angry."
"But that doesn't matter! Ruby you have done so much, you can handle your sister. Now go pack your things!"

So I left the workshop to pack my things. I wasn't going to make a habit of bringing my work home but I did need something to keep me occupied over the holiday. Pretty soon I had 4 suitcases of things. Neon and Violet had insisted on me replacing my wardrobe and I certainly liked it. Whelp, time to call my dad. He picked up after about 4 rings,
"Ruby, honey do you know when you are coming home? I can't hold off her questions forever- she is wondering why you haven't been home in 3 days."
"That's actually why I called. Once the airship lands I can make it to the island but do you think you could pick me up at the ferry station this time tomorrow? Bring Yang."
"Of course I can sweetheart. Umm- uncle qrow has been home for a few days too and is also eager to know where you are so I'll be bringing him too."
"It's ok dad. I'm not scared of them. I'll see you tomorrow, bye dad."
"See you in a bit Rubes."

Marrow and Elm came in to help me with my stuff and walk with me to the airship. When we got there the rest of the ace-ops and winter and the general were there to see us off. So I docked my stuff and claimed a seat on the ship. Before I knew it I was already 1/4 of the way back to Vale. Despite saying that I wasn't scared I was nervous about seeing them again. I thought that I might've been able to handle Yang but both Yang and uncle Qrow at the same time? I've got a feeling that this may not end well.
You know what? I'm proud to be where I am today. I'm just going to pretend not to notice the glares of disapproval. I've got a lot of exciting stuff to tell them about my first term at Atlas and in the military, I won't censor myself for them. I can't wait for them to see me in my uniform. With that I decided to sleep for the rest of the journey so save face from jetlag. Things could either go really well or really bad but I suppose I won't know until I face the music. Then I nodded off to sleep. 

A few hours later I was awoken by the Captains voice over the intercom saying to buckle up for landing. So I belted myself in and prayed to mum to help this go as smoothly as possible. I left the airship where a valet was waiting with my bags. I thanked him and then left the building to hail a cab. I got a few odd looks but I think that is because I was in Atlas uniform. The taxi pulled up and I loaded my bags into the boot. My stomach was doing cartwheels all the way to the ferry and It only got worse once I was actually on board. I wasn't looking forward to this reunion, even so I got off the ferry and smoothed my uniform down, set my bags down with me and placed the helmet I had been fixing ontop of them. Now all that's really left to do is listen to my own heartbeat racing as I waited for Dad's car. There it is!

3rd POV

Tai was currently having a harder time loading his eldest child and his brother-in-law into the car than he had teaching is class of 35 students algebra. 
"DAD! Where are we going that we all need to go? And where the HELL is Ruby? That girl has not been home in 3 days!"
"Good question firecracker. Tai? You going to clue us in on exactly what is happening around here? First you don't care that Ruby has been missing for 3 days and now we are - what- going on a road trip?"
The last of Taiyang's patience was wearing dangerously thin.
"You guys want to see Ruby? Get in the freaking car and we can go pick her up from the shipyard!"
"WAIT WHAT? You've known the entire time where Ruby is and you said nothing? Why are we still here? Lets go get Ruby!"
On the way there Tai was praying for the property damage costs to not be too high, Yang was praying for a good explanation and Qrow was simply sulking. Not a moment to soon Tai announced that they had arrived and everyone got out of the car to see...

Another chapter going! I'm already writing the next one so you shan't have to wait all that long. Tell me what you thought, consider following and voting.
See you later, love Lizzi

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