27)Uncle Qrow

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It had been 2 hours since Ruby left and barely a word had been spoken. Weiss and Blake grabbed some books to study and Yang was bored enough to grab one. Though she hadn't actually read more than a single word of it in those 2 hours. A dancing light outside their window caught her attention. The room they shared overlooked the city and in one of the most popular clubs in town was clearly having a huge rave. Yang looked out at it in anger before throwing her study guide across the room. 
"I'm sick of this! Look at us! Our last year of schooling and we are sitting here on a Friday night studying whilst Ruby of all people is down in Vale with personal invitations to a giant party!"
"You know there is nothing wrong with studying Yang. And my definition of a party hasn't changed that much to call that gathering a party."
"Fine you don't want to look at ourselves? Look at her! Since everyone seems to love looking at her so much! First night here she had a freaking slumber party and now she is living it up in the city at 11pm! Named one of the top 5 people to watch in the tournament my ass! And did you see her in fight class? Nobody even touched her!"
"So she is good at fighting, that doesn't make her better than you Yang."
"You don't understand Blake! She definatly thinks that she is better than me and has done everything she can to rub it in my face, It's been this way since she left! The house having framed pictures of her and her achievements! The picture of her getting engaged in front of the pretty northern lights, every promotion she has ever gotten, pictures from her missions, her first day at the school, all her A* report cards, pictures of all her awards, her next to every big project she has finished! And there I am always overlooked unfairly, she knows that my mother left me and now she leaves me too? She called us the demon dorm! How could she do that?"
"That's what you think firecracker?"
Yang's head whipped around to see Qrow leaning against the doorframe with an odd sort of look on his face.
"Of course that's what I think Uncle Qrow! She abandoned you too! She has been nothing but a jerk since the day Summer died and has only gotten worse as time went on! Why do you care so much anyways? She is not your niece I am."
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say as Qrow exploded.
"I have 2 nieces Yang! You and Ruby! You seem to conveniently forget how easily you have been horrible to her! You simply couldn't accept that she busted her ass to get where is is today! She worked hard, went above and beyond to get what she wanted! All you wanted were for things to go back to they way they were so you could keep Ruby as your crutch! You were ready to attack her and if Marrow hadn't been there you would have seriously hurt her! You forget that your actions have an impact on everyone else, you drove her away! You drove her out of her home! Tai and I didn't get to see her grow up through this vital time because of you! There are plenty of pictures of you around the house too and you attend Beacon one of the most prestigious places on remnant and you are well on track to get your dream of being a huntress! Stop being ungrateful and a bully to your sister! Ruby worked herself to death to get where she is today if you put any effort into anything I'm sure you would be winning awards like your sister too. Yes she did leave me too and that is my fault, despite saying that I was there for her I never protected her from you and I didn't stand up for her and that is on me and I understand that's on me. But all I can hope is that it is not too late for me. Trust me Yang, take it from me you will live to regret it. Stop before its too late and the damage is irreversible." Qrow left the room quickly shutting the door quietly behind him. Yang was left in the room seething.
"Get dressed girls- we are going to a party!"

This was a bad plan. This was a very bad plan. The 3 arrived at the party all dressed up only to realize that they didn't have invitations and therefore couldn't get in. So there they all were sitting on the curb in their party clothes waiting the party to be over so that they could confront Ruby. It was a sad sight to see as soon as it started raining. Luckily they didn't sit out there for long as Ruby and Coco came dancing out to meet a delivery van with a fresh stock of alcohol. They were falling over each other and laughing to no end. Flynt and some people Yang didn't recognize came out to ferry in alcohol. Yang, Blake and Weiss were all surprised when even Ren and Pyrrha came out clearly drunk off their heads to help. Yang got up and stormed over to Ruby to confront her but to no avail as Ruby (who was in fact stone cold sober) merely shrugged her off as she was not really up to a spar with Yang. Ruby was therefore not too drunk not to take pity on Blake who she held no reservations about. Ruby linked her arm with Blake's own and dragged her into the colourfully lit hall leaving a tired Weiss and an angry Yang outside. 

It was 3am when they finally yielded, at this point even some of the party guests were leaving so the girls did too, not bothering to wait for Blake. They got a taxi up to the airship station to go up to Beacon and it seemed to be the end of it but Yang being Yang had to do something to make up for her wasted night. She pulled out her scroll and sent a message to Qrow claiming that Ruby was ready to leave the party but too drunk to take a taxi. She hoped to stir things up between her uncle and Ruby but little did she know that she would be the cause of their reconciliation.

Qrow POV

"Oz what the hell did you do now?" I yelled at him flying through the window and landing next to James. 
"Qrow, lovely to see you, have a seat, Sorry about the draft."
"Qrow, Oz and I were in the middle of something what on earth do you think you are doing?"
I sighed deeply knowing that I would have to spell it out in crayola.
"What happened the last time Ruby visited Beacon?" Ozpin sighed again and asked what I was talking about.
"I happened across a prime piece of information today. It's Ruby she is heavily onto us. She said that something happened last time she was here and that's the reason she doesn't trust you and now she is looking into uncovering what smells fishy at this school. So tell me what happened!"
"The last time Ruby was here I invited her into my office whilst she waited for everything to be unloaded and I asked her a few harmless questions. Seeing as who we want her to become I thought it would be a good idea. But I didn't know prior to even entering my office she had received a message saying that everything was unloaded. She became suspicious and if she thinks that there is currently something fishy at this school then I can see why she wouldn't trust me."
"That's great Oz, just great. Oh and she is getting suspicious of you too Jimmy."
"What? Why?"
"That eyesore you call an army is why! Oz warned you he said people would question the size of our defences and Ruby is!"
"Qrow calm down! This changes nothing. We just accelerate our schedule to meet the new development that is all. Understood? We wait a little longer until after her first match in the tournament so that she is obligated to stay, because she won't forfeit the competition. Then we put the next segment of the plan into action." 
"I still don't approve of said plan."
"It is not like we will be forcing her Qrow. We will tell her the truth and give her the choice."
"You do realize you have yet to tell me or Jimmy who the current maiden is?"
"You will be told in due time."
His cryptic and vague answers were really starting to piss me off. I was ready to storm out when I got a message from Yang. Ruby needed me. I flew out the open window and into the city, it wasn't too hard to spot the building clearly hosting a rave what with all the blinding light and music that could probably be heard from Beacon. I transformed in an allyway and was about to go inside to pick up Ruby. Only to find a completely sober Ruby sitting on the steps outside the club, who was true to Yang's word ready to leave.

"Qrow? Party is wrapping up, what are you doing here? Who invited you?"
"Yang messaged me, said that you wanted to leave but were to drunk to get a taxi on your own."
"Lying cow."
"I mean it looks like you are getting ready to leave anyway, I'm no Atlas droid but I could escort you anyways? Wait you are at the biggest party of the year why are you not drunk?"
"I don't think that is a good idea do you? And I saw what alcohol did to you so I don't really drink that much, not that you would know that."
"After you left I tried to quit. I'm not there yet but I have cut back."
"I bet your liver is thanking you for that."
"Well I realized my liver wasn't the only thing I was hurting when I drank."
"Well I had several reasons for leaving but your drinking wasn't one of them if that is what you are not so subtlety hinting at."
"Rubes I know you are angry with me but-"
"I used to be angry. But my anger was wasted on you now I'm just upset. Upset that your own biases kept you from me, that you stopped trusting me just because of where I went to school, that you never stood up for me against Yang!" Ruby started crying and of course I went to sit beside her and hug her, I'm not sure weather it was muscle memory or because she actually wanted comfort from me but Ruby leaned into the hug.
"Hey, easy now short stack. I know that I wasn't there to protect you like I should have been. And I am sorry for that. But I've just missed you a lot over all this time and I never should have let my bias against Atlas come before my family. I know that Yang said that technically we don't share any blood and true as that may be I'm still you uncle only if you'll have me."
Ruby was still sobbing but replied anyway.
"Of course I do. I-I really missed you a lot and I don't want a giant rift in our family."
"Hey now calm it with the waterworks. I missed you too Ruby. Let's get you back to Beacon."
I picked her up and slid into a convenient taxi that had pulled up. A short time later I held a sleeping Ruby in my arms and carried her into Beacon where her friends were waiting. I knew she was sleeping in Yang's dorm but I didn't think that was really important. I handed her off to a jazz player and some guy with a ponytail who took her inside. 

I didn't think that I would get a second chance at a family after what happened with Raven but i did with my nieces and brother in law Tai. I certainly didn't expect that my new family would fall apart as it did but moreover didn't think that Ruby would forgive me so we could start to fix that rift. But unfortunately I never thought that Ozpin would want Ruby to be the next Summer maiden.

Sorry this took so long, I'm in a semi-permanent state of existential crisis and I haven't been really able to get my head down and do anything. But I'm mostly back in the swing of things now and so hopefully the new chapters will be coming out faster.
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See you later, love Lizzi

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