13)An Early Visit For Easter Vacation

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Today could not have gone better. Ruby had the best day. She had woken up next to Marrow, warm and cosy. She had woken up early enough to have a small lie in just dozing on Marrow's shirtless chest before getting up and feeling completely refreshed. Ruby's cloak was fresh from the dry-cleaners and she was having the best hair day. Ruby met her friends and had a double lesson in the one class that she shared with all of them. It was a half day before the Easter Holiday so Ruby only had 2 more classes, both of which were her favourite classes. She went to work and finally finished the mech and then went out with some colleagues to celebrate the completion of the 3 month long project. She had a mentor session with The General which ended up just being a 'get-dirt-on-my-big-sister' session. All of Ruby's favourite foods had been in the cafeteria that day and she squeezed in a workout. Currently she was on her way to pick up a out of kingdom huntsman who had been drafted in to help with a stealth mission of some kind.

Ruby POV 

 I flew to the front gates and said,
"Welcome to Atlas! We are happ-" Then I dropped my tablet and my jaw dropped too.
"Hey Ruby." I couldn't say anything for a few moments, I was frozen in place.
"Dad?" I spoke barely above a whisper. I had been so caught up avoiding Yang and uncle qrow, staying away from home and building a new life and a new family that I had let dad skip through my fingers. He was the only parent I had left and the one who covered for me when Yang asked where I was. He was the one person who supported me chasing my dreams and I hadn't seen him in over half a year. I hadn't even talked to him in 3 months. I never realized just how badly I missed him. 
"DAD!" I screamed running across the courtyard to jump into his waiting arms just like we had done when he picked me up from school when I was a little girl. I took no notice of the tears streaming down my cheeks and focused all of my energy into hugging him as tightly as possible.
"Hey there is my youngest. Ruby it is so good to see you."
"Dad-I-I missed, you." I hiccuped through my tears. 
I dryed my eyes and immediately started talking at 100 miles an hour,
"Oh gosh dad you are going to love it here. I can show you everything and you can meet my 2 besties, Flynt and Neon we are kinda like the original trio and you can meet my mentor the General and you can meet my boyf-"
"Rubes calm down. I am really happy to see you honey. I missed you a lot."
"You have no idea how much I missed you to dad. Truth be told I didn't realize how much I missed you until I saw you again. I'm so sorry dad I just got so caught up trying to build a life and avoiding Yang and Qrow that you just slipped right through the cracks."
"Hey now don't cry. I understand Ruby, truthfully I did the same thing. Patch was so boring and my parents were dull so when I went to Beacon I wanted constant adrenaline. I wanted a new life but I forgot about where I had come from. That's why we set down our roots in patch- to always remember where we started. Everything is going to be ok."
"Thank you so much dad. You will love it here, how long are you stayin-. Oh your here for the mission, I forgot. Your going to be heading out on a few hours already."
"Well I'll be back by tomorrow and then we will have some more hours before I go back to patch again."
"That's barely anytime to see you and I'll be gone by the time you get back."
"You know you could some see me during the Easter holidays."
"You know I can't come home dad."
"No just hear me out. There are 4 weeks of the holiday's right? You can go backpacking around Vacuo during the first 2 weeks and then for the other 2 weeks you can come visit home. You can have a friend stay for the 2 weeks if you want."
"Fine. I'll come home for the last 2 weeks. But if I hear a single word about me, my job or my school I'm moving out. I mean that- I can and will move out"
"I understand Ruby. Come on where am I supposed to be going for this mission." So with that promise I lead dad over to the correct room. Then I left to grab my things and my bike and get them loaded onto the airship. The airship that happened to be docked right next to dad's ship and we would be leaving at the same time. I will admit to having slight separation anxiety developed after mum left and I'm not sure I could stand to look at our airships flying off in opposite directions. I walked around campus for a bit before I found myself bumping into Marrow. The I didn't really say anything as I just wrapped my arms around him and buried my head in his chest.
"Hey babe what's wrong, what happened?" Marrow was obviously confused and worried. I pulled away and pulled myself together.
"My dad is here-"
"Yes he is here. He is here for that info stealth mission thing. He wants me to come home for the second half of Easter."
"Let me guess your mouth spoke before your brain did and your overwhelming need to please others made you say yes."
"Technically I did try to say that I couldn't come home but I must say the rest was spot on."
"I thought you wanted to travel Vacuo over Easter?"
"I do that's why dad said second half of the Holidays."
"Ruby do you really think that this is a good id-"
"Would you come with me?"
"Dad said that I could have a friend stay with us during the time I'm back on Patch. And my boyfriend technically has the word friend in it."
"So your idea is to go travelling Vacuo for 2 weeks and then return to your oppressive home that you don't even want to go back to where you will defiantly be meeting your sister who hates atlas and qrow who hates everything?"
"That is basically the gist of it yeah."
"Gem are you aware of how completely insane that sounds? I'm in!"
"You are?"
"I am. Come on you are going to miss your flight to Vacuo." Of course I was scared But I was excited. My story wasn't about trying to fix my past it was about building my future, and what better way to build a future than travel to grow as a person and introduce my boyfriend to my dad? This was going to be the best 2 weeks ever! We met Winter on the way and Flynt and Neon also came to see me off. I kissed Marrow and hugged everyone else and promised to take lots of photos. And then one headspinning ride later I was on another continent. I had made it to my 3rd continent and a different kingdom entirely. I was glad I brought my shorts as it was boiling. Before I could even think about my holiday somebody yelled,
My head snapped up and indeed saw an out of control car. Instantly my training kicked in and in a split second I had the situation analysed. Out of control car, civillians, old lady crossing the road and a family in the car. All I had was a semblance and a portable shield. I threw the portable shield about 20 yards in front of the car and knew I had about 5 seconds to save everyone. I pushed my semblance beyond what I thought possible. First I got the old lady out of the way, then I flew in through the back window to get the baby and toddler out of the car. by the time that was done I realized that there way no time to save the mother. At the last possible second I made a rash decision and jumped into the car and pushed mum out through the open door on the other side. I didn't even have time to blink before the car crashed. I knew I had over-used my semblance and had practically no aura to protect myself with. At least I got everyone else out alive. I could smell the petrol leaking, debris and hear a lot of yelling but then everything went black. 

Another chapter done! Ruby is once again a hero and I even sneaked in a pretty important character who will become very important to the narrative later on. I'm already working on the next chapter. 
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See you later, love Lizzi

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