17) Yay, Heartbreak!

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*Yay Marrow finally serves his purpose to the plot!

The next morning we both awoke sore after a night of sleeping on the sofa but happy to be waking up to each other nonetheless. A quick clean-up later and we were getting dressed and ready for the last full day of peace before everyone would return tomorrow afternoon. Just as we decided to make breakfast whip up some breakfast a knock sounded at the door. I think Marrow could tell I was suspicious and with good reason too. Unless Uncle Qrow had gotten drunk again there was nobody who should be here at this hour. Marrow grabbed his boomerang that was left at the front door with all the other weapons and answered the door.
"Ruby it's your neighbour from 2 doors down? Apparently Yang was supposed to babysit?" Oh I remember Miss Medlock. I believe she had a baby recently. I walked up behind Marrow to say hi.
She looked exactly as I remembered. A kind blonde woman short as me. The only difference was she looked as though she had been crying. Her daughter lily was now a spunky 3 year old toddler and she did indeed have a new baby.
"Miss Medlock? Are you alright?"
"Ruby dear, you've changed so much in Atlas. I'll be fine, just the day of the funeral is hard. Yang said that she would babysit so I wouldn't have to take them with me."
"Well Yang has gone out with her friends but we can take them off your hands."
"I don't want to be a bother."
"It's perfectly alright Miss Medlock we have nothing to do today. Take as much time as you need at the funeral and then maybe go home and take some time for yourself ok? We will watch the girls."
"Thank you two. Here is all of poppy's things and Lily has her own backpack with her. I'll see you."
"Bye Miss Medlock!"
Well that happened fast. 1 moment we have a free day the next we have aquired 2 children. Not that I'm complaining, I love kids and I haven't seen Lily since she was about the size of her sister.
"I thought Yang was supposed to be babysitting us?"
"Yang went to go have fun with her friends so we are looking after you instead. Don't worry I make way batter cookies than Yang."
"Have you two eaten yet?"
"Poppy has a bottle you need to give her but I haven't eaten."
"Well luckily we were just about to make pancakes for breakfast! You want to help?"
"Pancakes?! YES!" It was adorable to watch Lily's tail wag excitedly and run rings around Marrow. Poppy started to fuss for her food so I dug out her bottle whilst the other two went to go make up breakfast. I sat at the table feeding Poppy to watch Marrow and Lily half make breakfast and half have a dance-off. All was at peace with the world and the last thing I expected was to have uncle Qrow crash through the window at terminal velocity.

Marrow POV

I have gained 2 children. One moment there were not 2 children, then I left Ruby alone for 2 minutes and now there is 2 children. Not that I am complaining of course I love kids. Now we had 2 little cat faunas children to take care of today, at least it is something to do. I gave Lily a piggyback into the kitchen and spun her around before plopping her down on the counter. I hadn't originally intended on making pancakes but I highly doubt anyone is going to mind, pancakes turned into a dance off ending in lots of giggling. I was surprised at myself, I didn't know I had so much of a Dad instinct in me. I turned around and that instinct increased 10-fold, Ruby was feeding the baby with one hand whilst Lily was sitting on Ruby's lap. It was something so simple that I didn't know could have such a powerful effect on me. In short she looked like a mother. I feel like I could stare at her for hours but my attention was quickly required elsewhere as a stranger crashed through the window and landed on the kitchen floor. 2 children and a human projectile all before breakfast? This day was starting to look longer and longer.

3rd POV

"Uncle Qrow?!" Ruby yelled completely shocked whilst still shielding the girls against her.
"What? That is your Uncle? Does he usually make a habit of breaking in through the window?!" Marrow was understandably shocked to meet Ruby's uncle for the first time like this.
"It's not a frequent occurrence, no. Then again being blessed with his presence isn't all that often either. What is he doing here?" Ruby was of course worried that her uncle was even in town let alone what he was doing flying through a glass window. Ruby set Lily down in her high chair and went over to inspect the body. Upon doing so she practically gagged and covered her nose to block the burning stench of alcohol. She rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh when it had clicked what had happened.
"Well unfortunately we can't leave him here. Let's get him up to our bed, I'll get the shoulders you grab his legs." With that we hauled his middle aged, old enough to know better butt upstairs and tucked him into our bed. Marrow left to check on the girls whilst I simply sat and stared at the sleeping man. Under any other circumstance this would probably be seen as creepy but I simply used it as a moment of peace to think back on what went wrong with our relationship specifically. I'm well aware that he hates atlesians but when I first told him of my schooling he said that he was ok with my decision. I just don't understand what had happened.
I sighed deeply and went back downstairs where Marrow had continued feeding Poppy and Lily having the attention span of a sparrow that the standard toddler did, was getting bored. I picked her up and swung her around before placing her on my shoulders. 
"I know! How would you like to bake some cookies?"
"Alright then, let's go whip up some chocolate chip cookies!"
Marrow followed us into the kitchen and sat down in the chair I previously occupied. He kept staring at me strangely but I could see love in his eyes so I didn't mind. Lily and I set about messing up the kitchen, I mean baking. Yeah, baking. In our domestic happiness we didn't notice someone unlocking the door and walking to the doorway of the kitchen.

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