2) Departure And Arrival

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Ruby awoke to a mouth-watering smell coming from downstairs. So despite not being truly awake she let her nose guide her to the kitchen table where her father looked amused at his youngest's predicament before setting down a plate of strawberry pancakes before her. Now that woke her up. Ruby sat up to shovel pancakes into her mouth at that same moment Tai happened to say,
"So have you told Yang and Qrow yet?"
This made Ruby choke on the food she was inhaling. A moment later she caught her breath and said,
"Truth be told dad I was just going to let them figure it out on their own."
"But why would you do that Rubes?"
"They decided for me that I was going to Beacon. Yang has only just started school and Uncle Qrow is on a mission. I don't think I'm going to officially announce it to them as oppose to them just figuring it out with time."
"If that's what you really want honey. Eat up!"
And so the next few days were spent just having fun and visiting Summer. 
By the time 2 more days had passed Ruby was ready to go. 
Her Father drew up to the ferry car park and both of them got out to grab Ruby's belongings from the boot. Just as Ruby was reaching for her satchel a gloved hand reached down and grabbed it for her. Ruby spun round to see who had taken her belongings and saw Winter smiling down at her.
Ruby exclaimed as she pulled the older girl into a quick hug.
"I thought you were meeting us at the shipyard?"
"This is technically a shipyard, just not the one you thought."
Winter looked up to see Tai's confusion and quickly shook his hand and introduced herself,
"You must be Mr Xiao Long, Ruby's father? My name is Winter Schnee, we spoke on the phone."
"Oh yes, of course."
(Awww, Tai isn't ready for his youngest to grow up)
"I'm here to escort Ruby to the shipyard."
With that they all boarded the ferry and half an hour later they were at the bullhead docking station.
"Is there anyone else you wish to say goodbye to Miss Rose?"
"Nope! Yang is at school and Uncle Qrow is away on a mission. I have a grand total of zero friends to day goodbye to so it's just dad."
"I can't wait to see that dusty old qrow's face when he sees you in your new uniform!" Well I'm sure that you will make some new friends at Atlas, I will be riding up front with the driver. Will you be alright in the back with the other students?"
"Of course I will! I'll see you later Winter" Said Ruby and with that she turned on her heel and walked into the ship. 

Ruby sat down on a bench near a window to gaze out at Vale as she left her kingdom behind. Signal could be seen from how far up she was and to the young girl who has never been more than a few hours away from home it was incredible to be working and going to school on the other side of the world. Ruby felt very small but reminded herself that she was apart of something so very big.
Ruby settled herself to read a mechanic book and watch out of the window instead of socialising as other students did. It was some 9 hours later when Ruby happened to glance out of the window and saw the most incredible sight. It was Atlas. The city in the sky actually floated. Ruby attracted some attention with her gasp and soon everyone was staring at the floating city in awe. A young girl named Ciel came up to Ruby and said,
"You must be a countryside girl I assume?"
"Yeah. I grew up on patch- the smallest island on Remnant. I've never been more than 2 hours away from home, I mean I've seen pictures of Atlas but - it's just- whoa!"
An older student who was an escort for the new students took notice of thier conversation and decided to but in.
"Yep, ain't no place better than Atlas. They only accept the best of the best, the elite of the elite- like me!
So how did a pipsqueak like you sneak in here?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Don't play that game with me kid, this isn't just sparring and practice you know. So, how did you get here?"

By this time all the new students had their eyes on the arguing pair.

"Well I walked up the ramp and onto the ship"
"Don't get mouthy with me sunshine. What really happened, before I start hurting you"
"I got asked to attend 2 years early and I accepted, I would take it under advisement to not threaten a total stranger lest you regret it."
"HEY! I'll have you know that I-"

He was cut off as Winter interrupted. She had been observing and was not pleased.

"You apparently never grew up. If you had you would have noticed that skill doesn't depend on age or appearance. I had hoped that your ego wasn't so fragile that seeing a short person wouldn't cause you to threaten a total stranger, but apparently I was incorrect.
Miss Rose on the other hand is a master mechanic and scythe weilder. She was asked to attend Atlas by personal invitation of General Ironwood himself. She has the highest class scores in the history of signal academy and is worth 10 of you."
Everyone had backed up several feet by the end of Winters outburst. A calm collected outburst but an outburst nonetheless. An angry Winter was not a pleasant Winter.
Ruby looked faintly embarrassed at the layout of her achievements.
With that the compartment fell silent.

Before the tension in the compartment became unbearable a hologram of a young man appeared.
"Good Afternoon Students. My name is Clover Ebi. You have all been through an extensive selection process to determine weather or not you are fit to attend the most prestigious school on Remnant. And here you are. You are among the few who have been accepted to attend Atlas Academy. Now unlike other schools we don't tend to launch students off of a cliff on the first day. However we do send a small platoon of robots in to attack our students. Eliminate the enemy and destroy their ship. Good luck."
With that the several things happened at once: hologram disappeared, everyone looked to Winter who was no longer there for guidance and thier airship was boarded.
Oh, and of course all hell broke loose.

Vote if you liked it and comment any suggestions. All that jazz.
I'm to tired to see straight.
See you later, love Lizzi

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