26) Beacon Life

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I couldn't sleep. Not for the life of me I could not sleep. It was all a bit off. I was in a strange room in a strange bed with a stranger next to me and my sister on the other side of the room. Usually I've got a human snoring heater to share my bed with but he is probably having lunch right about now. I remember before mum died when if she was on a mission I would climb into Yang's bed with Zwei. Of course now I would rather choke to death than do that. But maybe there was someone who would let me in. I grabbed my cloak and scythe and left the dorm. I snuck over to the Atlas dorm where I had accsess to Neon's dorm. Payback for waking me and Marrow up that night. 
"Neeeeeeeeooooooon!" I whisper yelled.
"Neon can I sleep with you?"
"Sorry I don't swing that way, aren't you engaged?"
"Neon! You know what I mean I can't sleep."
"I know, Of course you can climb in."
"Thanks Neon!"
"Fair warning I am still wearing my rollerblades."
"Why would you-? You know what I don't want to open that can of worms." I propped Crescent Rose up against the bedside and got comfy. Despite Neon sleep-talking about something or other I was pretty much instantly out like a light.

The next morning I was shaken awake by Violet who said that I needed to leave so we could get breakfast. I didn't want to be late for my first class but at the same time I also wanted to eat so unfortunately I had to hurry back to the demon dorm as I had dubbed it. I grabbed my scythe and used my semblance to get back to the dorm. Once I got there everyone was just finishing up getting ready and of course had to ask me where I had been.
"Slumber party at Neon's. Yang looked hurt when I said the word party and I realized that even as irresponsible and reckless as she was she must not have been clubbing in a while going off her appearance. Not like I cared. I grabbed my usual outfit and got changed as quickly as I could in the bathroom. I grabbed my weapon, helmet and everything I needed for school and I was good to go. But just as I was about to speed off my scroll rang, since I couldn't use my semblance and answer my scroll I had to answer the scroll with everyone else in the dorm. I tried to leave but they too were on their way out and we were both going to the dining hall so there was no escaping them.
"Hi honey!"
"Hey! How was sleeping in the demon dorm?" I saw the looks of offence on their faces but carried on like they weren't there.
"I couldn't sleep there so we had a slumber party at Neon's instead. Did you know she wears her rollerblades to bed?"
"Somehow that really doesn't surprise me."
"Yeah I decided not to question it. I'm just heading to get breakfast with everyone and then I guess I'll be attending Beacon lessons."
"How is Beacon so far?"
"It's fairly small compared to Atlas. Of course it is also run by Oz so that is an immediate strike against it."
"Of yeah how did the Oz situation go?"
"I don't know how to feel about it really. Cause Branwen ripped a strip off the general and didn't like the fact that everyone knew that they were here." I decided that the next part was a bit to sensitive for everyone else to hear I walked off and put Marrow on hold to get to just outside the dining hall. I saw another crow sitting on the doorframe and I figured it was waiting for some student to drop food.

"Ok now we're alone. Something is fishy at this school. Of course there was the incident with Ozpin last time I was here but this time it is different. Qrow said our enemy was here and Ironwood brought a whole fleet with him. I understand that he is the General so he would probably bring a squadron with him but this? If Ironwood decided that this was necessary then that's bad news. Look at the size of our defences, what is it the General thinks we will be fighting? Something stinks around here and I'm going to find out what."
"Ruby are you sure that is a good idea? You could just tell the general and then just enjoy yourself at Beacon. Have some fun."
"I can do both! Come on now you have to sleep and I have to eat. Goodnight marrow I love you."
"Love you too Rubes." Yeah no way I was going to the General with this, not a chance.

In the meantime food! I walked into the hall and was greeted by a bowl of coco pops and lots of friends. I took a lot of time on the call to Marrow so I only had a minute or so to inhale my cereal. 3 minutes later we had all gotten to our first class of the day which was with the blonde woman from yesterday called Goodwitch. She didn't exactly sound like a good witch based off of what I had heard but at least it is a fight class so I can see what I'll be up against. Hopefully I can subtly release some magical energy here. I hadn't used my powers in 2 days and I knew that it was going to start building up and erupt if I did not use it. I know other people would be watching me and my friends to see what they were up against so maybe I could just use a bit of wind. Just like when pyrrha moves something to make it look like she is untouchable I could make it look like I was untouchable. Jaune grabbed my attention and pointed out the Vytal festival camera crew was here. 
"Of course. It is a sneak preview of what to expect in the tournament from the batch of newbies. I intend to blow their socks off."
Everyone sat down in their seats and the crew got set up. Professor Goodwitch explained the rules and then we were all set. 
"Let's start with an exchange student. Miss Rose would you care to start us off?"
"Let's have you fighting Miss Valkyrie. You know the drill 5 minutes to prep and then spar until someone's aura drops into the red." 
Nora and I raced to the girl's room to ready for battle. I changed out of my uniform and into my combat gear. I put my helmet on, grabbed my scythe and met Nora on the training ground. I hate to embarrass her but knowing her she will probably find it awesome. 
"If both individual's are ready, 3-2-1, SPAR!"
The moment Goodwitch set the match off I exploded into Rose petals. and reassembled myself behind Nora and got a good first hit in with my scythe. Nora swung at me and I used just a bit of undetectable wind to make sure her hammer swung right past my face. And I continued to do that every time she went in for an attack. I kept her on the defensive the whole time and chipped away at her with my speed. Roughly 10 minutes later Nora had red aura and mine had not even been touched. 
"And with 100% aura the winner is Ruby Rose from Atlas! Shake hands girls." We shook hands and just as I suspected Nora was very excited despite losing. 
"Alright the random selector will select a student to spar the winner Miss Rose. Mr Winchester! You have been selected. 5 minutes to prep!"
I wouldn't feel guilty about embarrassing him though. Ren told me of how he bullied Jaune and the Faunas. I would enjoy making a fool of him. 
"If both of you are ready, 3-2-1, SPAR!"
I burst into petals again and materialized right in front of him where I kicked him right in the chest to shove him back and disorientate him. From there I went in with the same strategy as both Nora and Cardin were heavy and slow melee fighters. I chipped away at him and continued to use wind to make it look like I was untouchable. I kept this up but was more aggressive with him than Nora and the fight was over in minutes.
"Again the Victor is Miss Rose! Shake hands then." I was perfectly happy to shake his hand and held it out to him. But he walked away, his loss- and he did that in front of the camera. Someone is a sore loser. I fought once more against a Mistral student and then class was over. My aura had only dropped from using my semblance but other than that nobody touched me in that class. 

I'll be honest I put on a voice recorder to take notes for me whilst I slept in the other classes. I was happy and my magic was calm from being used earlier but I was tired. Luckily from sleeping in classes I was wide awake by the time the school day ended. We settled in Beacon's common room and listened into some TV that some other students had put on. It was of course about the Vytal festival and the crown jewel-the tournament. It showed a few clips from my fight in class earlier and I was labelled one of the top 10 people to watch in the tournament. I took a picture and sent it to Marrow and my groupchat. Maybe Marrow was right and I could have a bit of fun here. 

~~~Time Skip~~~

Reese and Ciel were in my dorm room already dressed to go out to the club but I couldn't decide what to wear. Eventually we settled on a tight deep red dress that went down to just above my knees with a sparkly bodice and a cropped black leather jacket. I left my hair down for once and we were all ready to leave when of course Yang and her team came in. Yang had yet to speak to me so Weiss did instead. 
"You guys look- nice. Where are you going?" Reese talked to her so I didn't have to. 
"Ruby managed to get us all invitations to a huge rave tonight, like huge huge. If she isn't back in time for class assume that someone put something in our drink and we got kidnapped. That or we're hungover."
"Are you sure that is appropriate for a school night?" Weiss judged. Finally Yang spoke and sounded weak and a bit hurt,
"Why didn't we get invited?"
"Apparently your party girl persona wore off and Gem is in the top 10 people to watch in the tournament. I know where my vote would go."  
"Actually she is in the top 5 to watch now after that Mistral kid got his butt kicked."
"See! Your sister is amazing! Who wouldn't want her at their party?" That part pissed me off. Whilst usually I would have stopped her from bragging about me but since it was to them it was ok but we all had a big discussion about this back home.
"Reese we talked about this, she is not my sister and is therefore not to be referred to as such."
"Sorry Gem."
"It's alright are we ready to go?" After Ciel and Reese replied affirmatively we met team JNPR outside their dorm where they were all dressed up too. Even Weiss and Blake took offence to that,
"Wait you guys are going to?"
"Yes. Ruby was kind enough to get us all invited. We'll see you later!" Then we were gone and left them with hanging jaws outside their dorm. Beacon life hasn't got anything on Atlas but If you take a moment to stop worrying about how awful it is it is sometimes ok.

I've already started writing the next chapter and I have an immediate plan for the next 4 chapters. And I don't think I will enjoy writing the 4th one but it is necessary for the plot.
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See you later, love Lizzi

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