5) Family Reunion- Yay?

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3rd POV

To see Ruby (of course it's Ruby who else?)
But that was the least of it. Ruby was standing in perfect form with her hands folded behind her back in an Atlas uniform!

Yang POV

"RUBY! Where have you been I haven't seen you in 3 days I- what are you wearing?"
It was wonderful seeing Ruby but she hasn't been home in 3 days and now she shows up in a uniform and luggage. What does she have to say for herself?
"Sorry about that Yang the airship ride took about a day and a bit. And I forgot to pack."
"That doesn't explain where you have been!"
"Really Yang? I'm wearing an Atlesian school uniform and there is an Atlas military helmet with my luggage. Where do you think I've been? In atlas!"
"But. But what seen you doing in Atlas? Your only 15! You can't attend that school."
"I clearly can since I am. The general invited me to attend and I accepted, hence my attendance at Atlas."
"But, but- you can't go to that school!"
"And why exactly not Yang? Shouldn't you be happy for what I've achieved? I've gotten into the most prestigious school on Remnant 2 years early, I am a weapons smith and I hold a position within the atliesian army. I've made friends!"
"This Is ridiculous are you even hearing yourself Ruby? Get in the car! We can talk about this at home."
"You are not my superior."

Who does she think she is? Talking about military and politics and superiors. Standing there with her back straighter than me at perfect attention. I'm her older sister!

Qrow POV

I need a drink. My own niece standing there in an Atlas uniform. Apparently Yang was as unimpressed as I was., though I couldn't hear the conversation it was obvious that Ruby was no longer a doormat. When Yang stormed away I decided that it was my turn to brave this new situation.
"Hey there pipsqueak. Mind clueing an an old qrow in on what is happeing around here?"
"Please don't make me argue with you as well. I'm a member of Atlas Academy and the Atlesian army, I do not regret my desicion and I'm happy with where I am."
"I'm not trying to fight ya short stack. I'm glad your happy. But why Atlas? I thought you decided on beacon?"
"No you and Yang decided in Beacon for me."
"Either way I'm glad your home safe. Let's load up your stuff and get you home. I'll bet you got a lot of laundry for your old man to do, huh?"
"I know how to do my own laundry uncle Qrow."
"You know how to do laundry? Did we get the same Ruby back?"

That was a good question. Did we get the same Ruby back? I don't think so. The way she speaks is calmer. She can do basic things like laundry. Heck even the way she moves is diffrent. I would've thought that the witch of the well sent an imposter down if it weren't for those eyes. Summer's big beautiful silver eyes. Summer's probably turning in her grave right now, I just hope I can fix this.

3rd POV

Tai came over to help Qrow and Ruby with her bags and eventually everyone and everything was loaded into the car. The trip home was so full of tension you couldn't even cut it with a scythe. Eventually Tai asked Ruby if that was her helmet. In hindsight that was a bad idea to do whilst they were all in the car with no escape.
"No it's not my helmet, it's Marrow's. He really decided that the best thing to do was go toe to toe with clover in training. He really got his head handed to him so I'm fixing his helmet."
"Ruby, I don't want you to make a habit of bringing your work home with you understood?"
"I'm not going to make a habit of it Dad. I just needed something to keep me occupied for 3 weeks."
"Bring work home with you," Yang sneered, "stop trying to sound grown up Ruby it doesn't suit you. And who the hell are Marrow and Clover?"
"Friends of mine. I am capable of making them you know."
"GIRLS!," Tai shouted, "for once the whole family is in town for the winter holidays and Ruby has only been home for half an hour. You will stop arguing else you are both walking home!"
That shut both of them up and they were content to sulk until they got home. As much as Ruby loved Atlas it was nice to see home. Tai pulled the car into a garage and Ruby got out to get her bags. With her hands full she asked Yang to grab Marrow's helmet. Yang was very firm to say the least in her refusal to touch Atlas military property. That earned her a few words from Tai whilst Qrow grabbed the helmet and finally got everyone inside. Ruby put her things in her room and then everyone just sort of sat in the front room together awkwardly. Ruby decided that she had to break the tension. She walked over to a new picture of Yang and two other girls.
"Hey, who are these? This one kinda looks like Winter."
"Those are my teammates. That's the team leader Blake Belladonna. And that's Weiss Schnee."
"That's probably why they look similar then. That must be Winter's younger sister."
Ruby was happy that they were able to have a non spiteful 15 second conversation.
"Hey Ruby. I know your school doesn't really do teams but do you have a picture of you and your friends I could put up?" Tai asked.
"Sure I do!" Ruby replied and pulled out her scroll. Only this wasn't the scroll she left home with. This was the latest state-of-the-art dustscroll.
"Where did you get that?" Yang demanded.
"Well after 2 paychecks I realized that I had to actually turn it into lien for my card so I called dad and he talked me through how to do it. After I broke my scroll I realized that I could just upgrade it. So I did"
"But that doesn't come out in Vale for another month!"
"But I haven't been in Vale- I've been in Atlas."
Tai could sense another argument coming so he asked for that picture again. So Ruby using her new scroll that Yang was absolutely not jealous of, wirelessly printed a picture and Tai placed it in a frame and put it next to Yangs photo. And naturally Yang didn't mind that Ruby's picture was bigger than hers, was better quality and had more people in it.
Qrow asked who the people were.
"Well that faunas is marrow. The owner of that helmet. These 3 are Harriet, Vine and Elm. That's thier leader Clover. The jazz player that's Flynt. And his partner is Neon the funky pink haired girl. Those 4 are Arslan, Bolin, Reese and Nadir. That's Violet. That's fairly obviously Winter Schnee, I believe you are familiar with her Uncle Qrow. That's Penny and Ciel."
"Hold up a sec. I am familiar with Ice Queen but to be those look like the Ace-Ops."
"That's because they are."
"I'm done."
With that Qrow left the house presumably to go to a bar. Tai went to fix some dinner, Ruby and Yang went thier separate ways. This was just the start of a rift that would tear through the already broken family.

Whelp, no turning back they know now. The sisters divided trust becomes questioned and poor old Tai trying to keep it together. Do you think that Summer is really turning in her grave right now? Vote if you liked it, consider following me.
See you later, love Lizzi

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