23) Back Where It Began

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I was packed up. Ciel had packed up everyone else for them but I was completely packed and physically ready to return to Vale. In the inside I was still strung tighter than a violin and ready to crack at any moment. My powers were on edge as well and any room I was in was a few degrees warmer than the other rooms. Me and my friends were taking my ship to Beacon so they were all very excited about that but I didn't have the stomach to be excited. I was exhausted from all the magical energy that got expended earlier but I couldn't eat a thing in fear of being sick. Since most people would be coming with me to Beacon me and Marrow spent the morning in my lab so I could finish my helmet. Normally I would have procrastinated on that sort of project but if I have to fight Yang in the tournament I don't want the whole coliseum watching me cry. With that thought in mind I worked harder on my helmet.
"Marrow what if I have to fight Yang? I can fight a 4 person team easy but fighting Yang?" Since Atlas paired up students instead of putting them in teams  I would be fighting the other teams solo. That I could handle but fighting Yang?
"Well if you get matched with Yang then you will kick her bimbo butt easily and progress to the next round."
"You say that like it is simple. I'm not scared of losing to her, I'm scared that I am going to get angry and hurt her too badly. And done!" I held up a white helmet decorated with small rose petals painted on. (Think Raven's helmet but with small red & black rose petals.)
"Looks great Gem!"  He grabbed the helmet and put it on me and led me over to a window. Not the best mirror but it did the trick. My current combat gear and most worn outfit was my black combat skirt with red hemming, my normal red and black corset, a plain black sweetheart neckline attached to red fishnet sleeves that crossed over my shoulders. I had some long black high heeled boots with red hemming and soles. I'll be honest once Winter taught me how to walk in them, fighting in them felt twice as badass. I had lined my cloak with silver just like an inverse of mum's and it sat wrapped on my shoulders instead of being pinned to my clothes but of course on my utility belt I still wore mum's and mine insignia. Now with my helmet on my face and my hood up I felt ready to face Vale, Beacon and my sister.  
"You look great love. But you have been hiding from everyone for most of the day. So let's go show off your helmet and have some fun for your last 2 hours before you leave." 
"Aye-Aye sir!" 
"Oh quiet you."
We straightened up my workshop, turned everything off, shut off the lights and locked the door. Not to see again for another month. 

We met everyone and decided to grab a snack and sit at the edge of Atlas just laughing and having a good time. All too soon it was time to leave. Colbolt begged me to let him drive so I allowed it on the condition that he didn't kill us all. Winter would be returning to Atlas a few days in as she is only supposed to be there to oversee a cargo transfer so she would be taking her own ship. With our bagsloaded up we turned to say goodbye to everyone who would be staying behind. 
Elm and Harriet shared some words of support,
"First cardinal rule squirt?"
"Just be faster than the other guy."
"You got it."
"Eat everything there! And crush the Xiao-Long girl little gem!"
"Will do Elm."
Now was time to say goodbye to Marrow. That was hard. It dragged on for a time too long for everyone else. He kissed me and I didn't want to let go of him.
"What's one month away Gem? In a year and few months we'll be married. I think we can survive a month."
"I know, I know." At this point Reese decided to call out,
"Come on Ruby! You aren't going away to war and Ciel is getting angsty about leaving late!"
"I think that is my cue." 
"I'll be watching all your fights." At this point Neon grabbed my hand and dragged me onto the ship. Out the window I waved as long as I could but all too soon Atlas was just a floating speck in the distance. I decided to join Flynt in sleep and pretty soon Neon fell asleep on us too giving me a deja vu feeling from my 16th birthday. Turbulance woke me up and everyone but Colbolt was asleep but slowly waking up. I walked to the front of my ship to gaze at Vale, my breath caught when I saw that we were flying over patch, forgetting for just a second that it was no longer my home. Arslan came over and put her hand on my shoulder in comfort. 
"I know you are scared but I won't leave your side for a second I promise."
"Thank you Arslan. Couldn't have picked a better maid of honor."
"Well you are family."
We gazed out of the window and the ship few for just an hour more before we caught sight of Beacon academy. It was no city in the sky but impressive none the less. Winter's ship was waiting for us to land. Colbolt would be dropping us off at the front of the courtyard before parking the ship in the docking bay. Students were gathered to see the next lot of arrivals and the vytal festival camera crew was there already. Colbolt pulled up and I put on my helmet and made sure my ponytail was perfect. Everyone took a deep breath and nodded to one another assuredly. This was it. My sister could be behind that door for all I know. I could step outside and be attacked for all I know. Yang never was predictable. My heart was in my mouth and I was just about ready to toss my cookies, but we pulled up and the door hissed open.

Yes cliffhanger I am so evil. I now have my little list of evil things I'm going to do in this book including the list of the deceased-to-be. It's right next to the list of the extensive property damage. 
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See you later, love Lizzi 

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