16) Home again

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I had been on my continuous ride home for almost two days now and in the distance I could see the shining city if Vale. I forgot that I missed it.  It was strange to see the city on the around instead of floating in the air. It only took me 10 minutes to drive through town and get to the ferry. God knows the last time I was on here was a complete disaster. I instantly began having second thoughts about everything. Should I tell anyone what happened? Should I even go home? As soon as that thought crossed my mind the ferry abruptly took off, I bet nana did that, she knows I'll be doubting my desicions. All too soon we had docked and I was again on my journey home. I parked my bike in the shed where Yang usually parks her bike. And after a small pep talk I entered the house.
"Dad? I came home." I gingerly called out.
"Ruby? You're home? Dad's not home. He got caught up in the mission and he will be home in 2 days. Why are you home?"
"Dad begged me to come home. I'm here for him not you."
I left Yang downstairs to go put my stuff in my room. She followed me upstairs and tried to go into my room.
"Uh-uh. Not happening. This is my room you aren't allowed in here."
"What? But I've always been allowed in here."
"Well not Anymore!" I could feel an arguement coming on but before it could escalate a knock sounded at the door. A smile drew across my face when I realized who was at the door.
"Who would be coming by at this time?"
"That is my boyfriend. Stay quiet and out of sight will You?" I raced downstairs to the door leaving a bewliderended Yang behind. I opened the door to reveal Marrow. It was so good to see him and I was so happy. I threw myself into his strong arms and felt safe. He spun me around and then kissed me. I pulled away to breathe and let him inside the house. We walked inside to see a furious Yang.
"WHAT? What the fuck even is this? I told you dad wasn't coming home not even 5 minutes ago how the hell did you have time to invite a boy over. Second question who the hell is he?!"
"Were you not listening Yang? I said my boyfriend was coming over."
"Oh just you wait until dad gets home. I don't care how elite you may think you are you can't just swan about doing as you please!"
"Actually Yang, Dad was the one to suggest inviting Marrow to stay with us."
"Wait he is staying? For how long?"
"For the rest of the holiday!" Thought this I could see Marrow in the corner of my eye looking as uncomfortable as one could be in such a situation. I got tired of Yang's ridiculousness so I grabbed Marrow's hand and lead him up to my room leaving Yang to seethe downstairs. 
"That is your sister?"
"Yep. Meet Yang- that was actually fairly tame for her."
"That was tame? I know your family are bad but I didn't think they were that bad."
"Yeah you're really helping love. Thanks." I sank down onto the bed with a sigh and Marrow came up behind me. He pulled me to lay with him and I cuddled into his side just allowing myself to relax and ignore the pent up stress. I wasn't completely at ease however. The underlying fear of bursting into flames again terrified me. I could feel myself heating up from the argument and I'm not sure how I would explain bursting into flames. I laid there for a few more moments before getting up,
"Alright out of your uniform into something comfy. I'll go make coffee."
"Aye-aye captain. You sure you want to go downstairs to your sister?"
"I don't care what she thinks this is my house too." With that I left Marrow to change whilst I went down to the kitchen. Of course Yang was waiting for me there. She did not look happy in the slightest but I had honestly had the hardest few days of my life and I just wasn't okay to deal with anything she can dish out. I could feel the atmosphere literally heating up and I was scared that my powers would go haywire.
"Excuse me? Aren't you going to say anything?"
"What do you want me to say Yang?"
"How about something along the lines of an apology perhaps?"
"I have nothing to apologize for. This is my house too. Dad gave the okay for him to stay and I don't need to answer to you!"
"You do realize how serious this is right? Inviting your boyfriend to stay with you during a holiday? What if you hate the guy in a week? Where is he going to sleep?"
I couldn't help the emotion that surged through me. I can't believe that after all this she could pretend to care. I couldn't stop fire from encircling my eyes. I turned sharply to Yang,
"Yang after everything that you have put me through over the last 10 months you don't get to pretend to care! He is sleeping in my room. I honestly love Marrow, he has the best guy I have ever met and been there for me no matter what. You don't get to barge into my life and have an opinion on something that is none of your concern whatsoever! Get out!"
Yang looked startled at the appearance of a red flame in my eyes but continued to scream at me anyways,
"Fine! I'm staying with Coco until dad comes home. Good luck getting knocked up at 16, dropping out and failing at life because I wasn't there to show you how to not fuck up everything like you always do!" 
"I would be a better mother than you!" I screamed at her as she raced out of the house. The fire died down and I sat down on the kitchen floor with my head leaning against the cabinet. It doesn't matter what it is Yang will find something to hate me over. I can't believe I showed her my powers as If I wasn't stressed enough already. I didn't notice Marrow had entered the kitchen. I was alerted of his presence when he sat down beside me on the floor and put his arms around my shoulders. He probably heard everything we were yelling about.
"Hey Gem. At least you've got 2 days of peace until your dad comes home. Come on I'm sure she didn't really mean it.  There is no way your ever dropping out and you are going to go further than her. You've got potential Ruby, you've a good heart and the right mind- you'll do wonders I know so. You're tougher than you think." He grabbed my hands and pulled me up off the floor. and into his arms. "Come on Love. You've got a good life ahead of you regardless of your sister, I want to be apart of that life- I love you Ruby. You've got Winter, you've got me and your friends and your mentor Ironwood and your dad is clearly happy and supporting you. Remember this is about what you want from your life and nobody can take that away. So how about I make the coffee instead and you go pick a movie and get cosy on the sofa and I'll be out in a minute?" Marrow kissed the top of my head and ushered me out to the living room. You know I really am lucky. Despite my powers, my family and my fear I had it good. I had a long term boyfriend who loved me, I've got a wise mentor, the most fantastic sister in the world, a supportive father and I had more friends than I ever thought possible. My life was incredible so why was I only focusing on what was wrong with it? Softly smiling, I shut the curtains and pulled the blankets over the back of the plush beige settee. I placed pulled up Netflix just as Marrow walked in with some popcorn and 2 velvet coffees, he placed them on the table and put an arm around me when he sat down. I couldn't really register the sound of the TV nor the smell of warm coffee, instead I could only smell marrow and feel his strong arms holding me. I thought of everything that I had in this world and the vast future I had. I knew in that moment that I was the luckiest girl on Remnant. And I finally felt like I was home again.

Sorry I know I can't really write feelings or romance well. I promise that next chapter Marrow finally serves his purpose to the story. I wonder how Qrow and Yang would react if they knew Ruby was thinking about a future that didn't involve them. Then again they haven't done much to deserve having a future. At least Ruby has 2 days of peace, or does she....?
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See you later, love Lizzi

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