29) Round 1

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I shifted slightly in my sleep when I felt something brush just across my face, I thought it was Marrow's tail but woke up more when I remembered that Marrow was currently on another continent. I opened my eyes to Neon's tail in my face. Well if that didn't wake me up then nothing would, I opened my eyes and sat up a bit to see my friends standing over me looking way to excited.
"Guys, not going to lie this is kinda creepy did you need something?"
"Rubyyyyyyy! How could you forget? It's your fight today!!!!!!" Neon yelled in my ear which of course woke the rest of the demon dorm. 
"It's way to early to be alive! What are you freaks doing in here?" While everyone else dragged me out of bed against my will and all worked together to make sure I wasn't going back to sleep whilst Reese and Violet dealt with Yang. 
"We are here bimbo, because our buddy is participating in her first round of the tournament today and since unlike you she deserves to be where she is and has people that care about her we have decided to come and support her, you know that thing you have been incapable of doing in years past." Reese deadpanned while Violet waved 2 pieces of amber crystal around to protect me from 'bad vibes', looked a bit strange but I appreciate the thought.
Meanwhile I was handed my best combat gear and ushered into the bathroom whilst Arslan cleaned up my helmet and Flynt and Neon polished my boots. They best not touch my scythe. I showered, dried and got dressed quickly in fear that Ciel may just bust in the bathroom to keep everyone on whatever schedule she had set up. I was happy to be fighting today, though I don't think I will win it will be some good practice, and having not used my powers in a few days they were getting restless and I don't want a repeat of what happened in my bathroom back home in Atlas. I brushed off loose lint from my skirt and left the bathroom. Winter was waiting for me along with clean boots and polished helmet and Uncle Qrow cleaning the gears of my scythe. I clipped the helmet to my belt and put my boots on. Winter shoved everyone but Qrow who was still working on my baby Crescent Rose. Winter led me over to the desk and sat me down, I was a bit confused until she grabbed a hairbrush and started brushing my hair. Winter was gentle and didn't pull on my hair. It kind of reminded me of when I was young and Uncle Qrow would be trying to do my hair for school but Yang had to take over because I would always end up with lopsided pigtails. But I didn't feel remorseful of the fact that it wasn't Yang behind me brushing my hair and was instead very happy that the best sister I could hope for ,Winter, was here for me. She gathered up my tri-coloured hair into a high ponytail and freed my fringe along with a few strands at the side to frame my face. Qrow got up and handed me a top condition red scythe and they both hugged me tightly. No words were needed and we left the room to meet up with the others for breakfast, not noticing Yang's forlorn face.

Yang POV

I watched Winter brush Ruby's hair silently and it just threw me back in time where that was me brushing Ruby's hair for school and we didn't despise each other. Not that that is my fault. But I was most surprised to see Ruby accept a hug from Uncle Qrow, I didn't mean for my stunt a few nights ago to be their reconciliation. They paid me no attention and just walked out. How many more people are going to walk out on me? 

Ruby POV 

I was pleasantly surprised with a plate of pancakes and bacon for breakfast that Ren had whipped up along with a glass of what I assumed was swamp sick judging by the colour and smell. I thanked Ren and just ate the food. Everyone was bustling with anticipation for my fight and luckily the camera crew had enough courtesy to leave us alone until after breakfast. But once we left the hall they immediately pulled us aside for a quick insight for the camera.

"Hello Remnant! So here we have Miss Rose of Atlas Academy. Sorry Specialist Rose I meant, and that title is sure to have team NDGO taking caution. So Ruby how are you feeling about your upcoming fight?"
"I have to say I'm excited, 2 of team NDGO's members are on the to watch list so it is sure to be some good practice. I really can't wait to see them in action."
"And Ruby's friends what do you think will come of the fight?"
"Get a med team on standby, Gem is going to wipe the floor with them."
Several agreements rang out and Ruby went a bit pink at the praise.
"Wow, this sounds like one amazing fight ahead of us. Thank you for your time, see you in the arena!"

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