31)Ignorance Is Bliss, Mostly

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I woke up I, I had no idea how long I was out for only that it was dark outside and I was heavily aware of my throbbing head. The world came into focus and I saw Winter, Qrow and Ironwood sitting with me in what was probably Beacon's medbay. Winter spoke first,
"Hey Gem, do you remember what happened at all?"
"Well I-" and then it all did come flooding back to me, mum and everything that had happened in the vault. It was so horrible I thought I was going to be sick, and I was. Luckily I held off just in time for Qrow to shove a bucket under me and rub my back until I finished upchucking my guts for the second time this week.
"That was horrible."
"Nobody likes being sick, are you feeling alright?" Winter fussed.
"No, Not the throwing up, I remember what happened, all of it. That was awful."
"It's ok Ruby, you don't have to go back down into the vault and you've never used your power in such an outburst before, I understand it would be awful. Go back to sleep, it is the best medicine."
I drifted off to sleep and the last thing I heard was the General's surprise at Winter knowing and demanding to know why he wasn't told. I mumbled something to tell Winter what had happened in the vault as I couldn't even stay awake to explain. I woke up a few hours later or at least I assume as it was now light outside. Qrow was dozing in a chair next to my bed and Winter and Ironwood had gone, but there was a letter on my lap. It was from Winter, nobody else had handwriting that perfectly cursive,

I'm afraid I had to return to Atlas as my cargo mission has ended. I didn't want to wake you and I hope that you recover soon. You have not yet been chosen for your next round and are now in 2nd place of the 'to watch list' of the tournament. The next match is between Yang and your friend's teammate Mercury. Sleep as long as you need too and get better soon. I will inform Marrow of what transpired in the vault. Love you Gem and good luck in any future matches.
, Winter

So that explained where she went and the General is a busy man so it is understandable that he wasn't here. I sat up in bed and that seemed to stir Uncle Qrow out of his sleep. He woke up fully and leaned over to me.
"Hey pipsqueak, how you doing?"
"I feel much better now, can I leave?"
"I'm afraid you aren't allowed out of here until 11am. But hey Yang is going to be fighting her round at 12:00 so how about we watch the tournament?"
"But I'm on guard rotation at 11:30. Although. Very well, I suppose I an watch Yang get her but kicked."
I didn't miss the brief odd look cross Uncle Qrow's face but he switched on the tv nonetheless. And true to what both Qrow and Winter had said they were prepping things up for Yang and Mercury's fight. They were both ambushed for an interview just as I had been. Though Yang's made me furious. The reporter had asked how she was feeling, having made it into the one on one fights of the tournament,
"I feel accomplished, like despite the broken household and everything my sister unfairly put me through these last years, I can still fight and win and come out the other end stronger than before."
I sneezed some fire and turned away from the screen at that. I couldn't look back at her face on the screen without retching. Luckily Mercury was now being interviewed. He was asked how he was feeling about the upcoming fight,
"To be honest I'm kind of worried, I am friends with her sister and killed by association is a real thing. If she was willing to attack her sister over getting a new bike god knows what she will do to me in the arena, I'm just thankful that the Atlas guards will be there to stop me from getting, well, killed."
I smiled, he knew was on duty today. And I would do my job and protect him from Yang. His hesitation was not misplaced, Yang was indeed a violent person who had a tendency to leap right over the line that should not be crossed. Until the fight it was mainly recapping what had happened so far and who was still in the tournament. They had a few minutes on my fight with team NDGO and true to what I thought I was mostly a blur to the audience but there were a few good pictures. Just then a scroll rang and Uncle Qrow pulled mine out of his pocket and handed it to me. Marrow was calling, Winter was probably home now and had immediately told him what had happened to me,
"Gem! Are you alright? Winter was just here she told me what had happened, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get over it or make a decision anytime particularly soon but for now I think I'll just be distracting myself. Did you see Yang was just on?"
"The crap she was spouting to the camera? Yeah, unfortunately I heard."
"Well lucky for Mercury I'll be on guard duty."
"Well that will be fun!"
"I hope so, I just don't want to go into the vault again."
"Then don't, they can't force you Ruby. I love you."
"I've got to go, it is 11:00 and I am free from medbay and I have to hurry to guard duty. I love you too Marrow. Bye."
I hung up the scroll and Uncle Qrow was standing up ready to assist me back to my dorm. Unfortunately I was still in a hospital gown and my cloak as I hadn't any other clothes. Qrow helped me off the bed and through the halls of Beacon to Yang's dorm where my friends including team JNPR were demanding to know where I was. It looked like a fight was about to breakout so I spoke up,
"Relax! I'm right here." All heads including that of team WBY turned towards me and my friends flattened me with a hug. Asking what had happened and fussing.
"It's alright, my idiot self fell out a window. Chill." Everyone sighed with relief and had a few kindhearted jabs at me; but a few minutes later it was just me and team WBY left in the dorm as everyone else had left. There was a few minutes of awkward silence before I said,
"Well... good luck with your match I guess, I better start getting ready." Yang looked up and snapped at me,
"Get ready for what Ruby?"
"I am on guard duty in the area today."
I said reaching for my military uniform, it wasn't really my colour palette but that was not the point of the uniform. I dressed in the bathroom whilst I could practically feel Yang seething. I put on my uniform and washed up. I wouldn't be taking my helmet with me as it wasn't part of the uniform, I wasn't even to take my cloak. I guess I could follow some rules. I exited the bathroom and Yang immediately yelled at me,
"No freaking way! You are not allowed to go on guard duty! Take the day off!"
"That isn't for you to decide Yang."
"Well I'm not going to attack him so we don't even need a guard."
"I wish I could trust your word that you won't attack him but your history betrays you. I will be on guard duty and that is final." I left the dorm to proceed to my post. I was put in charge of the guard squad and we all took our positions before the match started.

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