36) Battle For Beacon

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My lungs were on fire. My legs burned and my arm was ready to give out from holding the weight of my body onto crescent Rose. Torchwick and his personal ice cream cone had me hanging off a ledge. Adrenaline ran rampant throughout my body and my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I racked my brain for answers whilst Torchwick in true villain style decided to monologue. Just as the armed umbrella came closer to my face I realized that I had forgotten the basic mechanics of an umbrella, mainly being that they open. Just as they weren't expecting it I pushed myself upward and clicked the button praying that my hunch was right, and it was- she made like mary poppins and flew away. 
"I couldn't care what you say, We will stop them and I will stop you! Take a bet on that!" We fought our way back into the ship and had each other walking a razors edge of defeat a lot. 
"You are just so determined to be the hero aren't you Red? Well then play the part and die like every other huntsman in history!"
"Oh I intend to. But if I die then you can be sure that I'm taking you with me!" He was confused for a brief moment but all began clear when I activated the ship's self destruct feature. Weather the general's ship is ours or destroyed we still get back control of the skies. I knew that I would have to stay on the ship to make sure that Roman would too but I couldn't feel the fear of my impending death over all the adrenaline.  Sure enough Torchwick made a move to run but I wasn't quite done fighting yet. The countdown kept dropping and it was clear that he was getting more nervous. We kept fighting even as we were steadily loosing altitude, and he eventually backed me into a corner and I was on the ground. 
"So you can keep your hero spirit and helping kittens out of trees. And I'll do what I do best; lie, cheat, steal and survi-"
I had no time to grasp the shock of a person dying in front of me as I had to quickly make sure I wasn't next. Swallowed whole my a hippogriff, I'm sure there are stranger ways to go. Such as the way I was probably going to die, riding said hippogriff grimm away from the ship that I just blew up. 

3rd POV

The halls of Beacon were quite empty all things considered. Shouldn't have been surprising as most people fled but it just made for an eerie atmosphere as the group continued through the corridors in search of the room that held the mainframe. Pyrrha having been there before lead the way.
But in the meantime the group was silent, each person pondering what was going to happen next. Eventually they made it to the mainframe and Yang got to work following Ruby's instructions while the others stood guard. Nobody knew what to say to each other or if there was even anything to say.
"Alright, we're on a countdown. 5 minutes until the firewall activates. Let's get out of here and go help the others."
The group ran back outside. And were immediately ambushed by a beowolf pack. They all looked to each other and split up to divide and take on the pack in smaller numbers. Yang went to look for her teammates and found Weiss first. 
"Weiss! Are you alright?" She got a thumbs up. 
"Where is Blake?"
"She went after a beowolf alpha, and some members of the white fang." Weiss finally spoke pointing towards the canteen. But Yang's attention was quickly drawn to the sky, as was everyone else's. General Ironwood's ship exploded and was falling from the sky. If it weren't for the implication it would have been quite beautiful to see the dancing red and orange flame falling from the heavens like a mighty shooting star. But Ruby was supposed to be on that ship and since her personal ship was there with them she was without an escape. 
"Yang, Ruby is innovative, I'm positive she is not on that ship. Go find Blake and bring her back- then all 3 of us will go find your sister. Go!"
Yang's conscious thought was running away with her imagination and fear of if Ruby was on that ship, possibly burning alive, or maybe she had been shot by a droid?

Yang forced those thoughts from her head and focused on finding Blake, the sooner her partner was found the sooner they could go looking for Ruby. But once again her attention was taken elsewhere as the ground shook, the debris of the canteen began to quake and she could feel vibrations deep within her heart. 
The Grimm in the vicinity stopped mauling dead bodies and looked up at the mountains that provided our natural defence. It shook like a great volcano ready to explode, and as the rock broke off and slid down the slope something was clearly inside it. I couldn't quite see but I got a good view when the top of the mountain exploded and the biggest Grimm I had ever seen. It looked like the dragons from Ruby's old fairytale books, but this one was not majestic or wise but a Grimm. If it weren't pressing enough earlier I really need to find Blake. I have to bring her back, get Ruby and get them out of here. We couldn't fight that thing, I doubt Ozpin could fight it. Our only choice was to run.

Yes, hold your applause, I know it is hard to believe but Yang does have morals.
See you later, love Lizzi

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