35) Do Our Jobs

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Hey everyone! I'm back and slightly less dead on the inside. I'll be updating the rest of the fall of Beacon in one go and then carrying the story on past that to at the very least volume 5 and possibly further. I hope you enjoy. 

"What do we do?" Weiss panicked. The last thing we saw was Yang's sister Ruby crying over her dead robo-friend. Grimm where everywhere, the school will need defending and Vale will need evacuating, the white fang were not only here but releasing grimm into the school. Everything that I had been fearing and trying to keep from happening was all crashing down at once. I was supposed to be team leader and Weiss was looking to me for an answer but I didn't have one for her. So I just borrowed another leader's wisdom, Ruby's specifically,
"We keep moving forward. We are headed to the docks and we are doing our job." I called my locker and within seconds it had arrived with Weiss's weapon and my own. My scroll started to vibrate and I was relived to see Yang's caller ID. 
"Yang! Yang are you okay?"
"Yes I'm ok. Is Ruby with you? She won't answer her scroll and after what went down she'll probably be a grimm magnet."
"No she's not with us. Yang, I'm sure Ruby will be ok, she isn't a specialist for nothing."
"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll meet you guys at the docks and we can figure out what to do from there." 
Yang hung up and it was so hard to force myself to feel nothing lest I draw grimm towards me and my teammate. 
"Well you heard her, lets get to the docks!" We turned to go but a ship swooped down in front of us and the side door opened,
"Change of plans, get on!" It was Ruby! Yang would be happy to know she is ok so I sent a quick text. Everyone was there and I took a seat beside Pyrrha and put my arm around her. Maybe she just needed silent comfort at the minute. 
"We will pick up Yang and then drop you at the Evac. The military has established a safe zone just outside the main city." 

Yang POV 

I let out a huge sigh of relief when I got the text saying that Ruby was safe and with them. No matter how much we fight I would never want her alone in all this. I just hope we could both make it through this alive so I could tell her I'm sorry. Praying to everything that we could be sisters again and that she would be alright. I told them my position and Blake shot back that they were inbound to get me. Moments later a ship that screamed Ruby with it's red stripes pulled up behind me and I got on. Everyone was there including Ruby. I hugged her tightly like it was the last hug I was ever going to give her before pulling back,
"Ruby are you alright? I'm so sorry about Penny."
"I'll be fine Yang. I can fall apart later. Alright listen up everyone, whilst General Ironwood takes back command of the skies again we need to defend the school and evacuate as many civilians as possible. So we-"
"Gem! Ironwood is down!"Colbolt yelled from the piolet's seat. We all came to the front of the ship where another ship that I presume the General was on was falling from the sky. Ruby looked horrified for her mentor but she didn't have the chance to panic before a signal cam over the radio.

"Reaper! Come in Reaper do you read me?" 
"I can hear you Captain, what's the situation?"
"The droids have been hacked and are turning against us! We don't have enough hands to get all the people out to the safe zone. Reaper with the General MIA and no other officer available you are next in command. Make the call what will you have us do?"
I know Ruby bragged about her ranking but I think I can see how that might be a curse. All of Vale was under attack and the odds were stacked against us and in all this Ruby had to call the shots and make difficult decisions.
"Alright use whatever little you have to keep getting people out, but keep the evac on the ground until I have gotten to the General's ship and regained control of the skies. Last time I was here I added a extra firewall to act as a fail safe, it can shut off all the droids. I can lend you a few huntsmen to help with the evacuation but most of them will be on the ground fighting the grimm."
"Ok Reaper. When will you be sending those huntsmen over?"
"We are on our way. Over and out."
Ruby took a deep shaky breath and everyone looked concerned. But there was no time to go our speed. Ruby spoke up again,
"Alright, this is what we need to do. Sun, Arslan, Bolin, Colbolt, Neon, Flynt can you assist with the evacuation? Yang can you, Violet, Jaune and Pyrrha take my scroll and activate the fail safe?" The rest of you can work on clearing out the Grimm whilst I get to the Generals ship."
"Ruby are you sure about this?" 
"I'm not sure about anything at the moment but we have to start somewhere. Lets get you lot down to the evacuation centre first. Then we can drop you guys at Beacon and I can take a locker up to the Generals ship and leave my ship with you just in case you need a quick way out. Take us down Colbolt!"
I was scared as I could be. For Ruby and for all our friends but when Ruby handed me her scroll and told be how to activate the fail safe I knew that somewhere deep down she believed in me. And after everything I couldn't let her down. 

3rd POV

Everyone was dropped in their respective places and wasted no time getting on with their jobs. It was a tough battle to fight but they had to press on.  The group supposed to take out the firewall hadn't yet made it to the mainframe of Beacon and the evacuation was slow on the ground. Things were not looking good.

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See you later, love Lizzi

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