3) An Impressive Arrival

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3rd POV 

Everything fell to pieces when the airship was boarded and Atlas bots started shooting. Ruby was the only one to keep her head on straight. She beamed and burst into rose petals and flew out the window - right onto the enemy ship. The students who weren't hiding noticed Ruby's trajectory and screamed at her idiocy. Their screams quickly turned to gasps of surprise as within seconds Ruby had rewired the enemy ship and as she flew away it exploded in blood red flames. Ruby's petals flew in through 3 separate windows and joined together again. Ruby decapitated a bot and used the bots own gun to take out another one behind her. Ruby was fast enough to see bullets soaring towards her and it was mesmerising to watch her fluidly doge every single one of them. She raced into a compartment with a lot more bots and used an electromagnetic blast to disable them. From there Ruby took down the remaining bots with ease. It was magical to watch her dance with her scythe. All in all the siege lasted for only about 10 minutes. The student population of the airship was in shock at this prodigy, even some of the teachers who had entered the back compartment to see to the students were bemused. No words were spoken as the ship docked at Atlas. Finally someone said, 
"Show's over already?"
Everyone looked over to see, Winter Schnee, General Ironwood, a few members of faculty and the Ace-ops. 
"Pretty impressive there kid." A blonde haired man said.
"You must be the prodigy Winter and The general told us about, huh." A tan girl with a Mohawk said coming up behind the other man.
"Impressive there child! Clover! I'm keeping little gem!" A larger woman said whilst breaking Ruby shoulder from the proud slap she gave. Whilst rubbing her shoulder lightly Ruby set eyes on a classic tall dark and handsome stranger in the same uniform, it felt like a cliché trope out of her books where a damsel meets a prince.
Winter gave her a pitying and amused look but did not save her. A young man named clover instead came to her aid and told this elm person that she can't just keep people. Ruby saw that these people were all wearing similar uniforms and as such concluded that they must be on the same team. 
"Well on that cheery note. Now you have arrived at Atlas academy you must all proceed to the great hall. Your bags will be taken care of and you shall find them in your rooms later. Once in the hall you shall receive your partner based on how you performed during the attack. Unlike the other 3 schools your partner will be your whole team. As the more observant of you may have noticed we have an odd number this year so one of you will be flying solo. After receiving your partner you will both receive your room number and school schedules. From there you shall be given a tour of the school. Then those of you who have chosen to work in the military will be given a tour of your working area and introduced to your colleagues after the fact you will be taken to your dorms. Those who have not chosen to work in the military will proceed straight to the dormitories. See you there promptly."

Ruby POV

I exited the airship to proceed to the great hall when a hyper pink-haired monkey faunas and snazzy trumpet player came up beside me. The colourful girl immediately started spewing out lots of sentences about how cool I was and the snazzy one called me cool. I could see that they had known each other beforehand and it seemed to be a friendship that balances each other out.
I've never been called cool by anyone.
Despite how introverted I am it was easy to slip into a conversation with them.
"Oh mah rainbows! We are going to be such amaze friends!" Neon declared. I was flabbergasted. My shock must have shown on my face  because flynt said,
"What you never had a friend before Gem?" The nickname that Elm gave me seemed to have caught on.
"Well I've got my sister. But yeah that's pretty much it."
"Oh mah Gosh! We could be like a trio! Don't worry- having friends is actually the best!"
I was happy to be accepted somewhere and it had only been a few hours. This was the best choice of my life.
"Well how about this trio get their butts to the great hall before their butts get kicked." I said cheerfully and we got a move on. We made it in time for General Ironwood to give his headmaster speech.
"Students of Atlas Academy. The people in this room today have been selected for thier incredible talent and promise. You are all brimming with potential and as your teachers we only wish to help you grow with it. It is our job to make sure you are up for the task of inheriting this world and protecting all who reside in it. Miss Schnee will assign you to your partners and give you your dorm numbers. From there myself and the Ace-ops will lead the tour of campus."
That was a good speech. I wonder who I'll be paired with? Hopefully they can put up with me. I really hope they aren't nasty.

~~~Time Skip to Ruby's dorm~~~

I would say that went well. I collapsed on my bed and sighed. Classes hadn't even started and I felt shattered. But that is probably just due to culture shock. When Winter said one of us is flying solo turns out she was referring to me. At least I wouldn't end up with a horrible person, and I got a private dorm. All things considered this first day went fantastically. I got shown were I was working in mechanics and tomorrow I receive my first assignment. The tour was super fun and I became friends with 6 new people! I didn't think that was even possible! I decided to decorate then change into nightclothes and telephone home. Decorating ought to be fun! I moved the bed to the corner of the room and unpacked everything into the wardrobe and bedside chest of drawers. I set up my recording station in the corner and my desk was moved to another corner which was already littered with my tools and crescent rose. All in all the room looked pretty "me" and I was happy with it. So I grabbed my nightclothes and changed in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and then flopped on my bed and phoned dad. He answered within a few rings,
"Hey honey! How was the first day?"
"It was fantastic dad. I aced the surprise first test and my room is amazing! I got shown my workstation and campus grounds. Dad- I made friends! 9 of them! There is an odd number of students so I ended up solo but I really like it. Everyone is so accepting here and it's just so amazing. Dad this is the best decision I've made since taking mum's last name!"
"I'm so thrilled your so happy there sweetheart. I know your mum is so proud of you right now. I am too."
"Thanks dad. I really wish I could talk more but I am way to jet lagged and over-tired."
"Brush your teeth and get some sleep Ruby. I'm only a phone call away. Enjoy your first day at school tomorrow. I love you honey, bye!"
"I love you too dad. See you later!"

It was good to talk to dad. I wish I could talk to Yang but I won't. I do think I made the right choice by not telling her. This part of my life is my own it belongs to me. I love Yang but she can be narrow minded. I'm not sure how, but Atlas is already starting to feel like my home away from home.

Good? Bad? Belongs in the 9th circle if hell? Let me know what you think! I love reading comments. Vote if you liked it and consider following me.
See you later, love Lizzi

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