12)Life Could Not Be Better

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3rd POV

After the success of the last mission Ruby was on cloud nine and nothing could bring her down, she felt invincible. No seriously- invincible. She had spent the last few days doing things she was afraid to before. She dyed the tips of her now long hair silver, so her hair was now: red, black and silver put into a high ponytail with a few strands and her fringe loose framing her face perfectly. She pitched the board the idea of a giant mech to protect against larger grimm that came in from deeper waters. No surprise the board loved it and Ruby herself was in charge of the project, she had people looking to her for instructions and it was no shock that she thrived in a leadership position. Right now she was looking to do something that scared her even more. She was going to kiss Marrow. Ruby had friends, a sister and a life so why not a boyfriend. Now there was of course every possibility that this could go horribly wrong in numerous ways and even cause irreparable damage but Ruby was on a winning streak. There may never come a time where she was brave enough to do it again so why not do it during her high of doing things that made her nervous. Reese, Arslan, Winter, Ruby, Elm, Vine and Marrow were hanging out at a picnic table in the corner of the courtyard. Ruby and Marrow were sat close together beside each other on the table Reese, Arslan, Winter and Elm knew of her plan to finally kiss him and now seemed a good a time as any. Perfectly timed Reese tossed Ruby a hand signal that Marrow opened his mouth to question but was met with a face full of Ruby instead. She had grabbed his collar and kissed him Not that he was complaining. It took but a brief moment to catch up but the moment it did he kissed back with equal vigor. There were cheers from their friends and it sounded like a bet was being paid but it all fell of deaf ears to the pair. The two pulled away breathless but Marrow grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him to kiss her again. Marrow's tail was wagging uncontrollably and Ruby had threaded her hands through his hair.  It was at this point the others decided to give them some privacy and left. Both eventually accepted their need to breathe and pulled away. Both decided the best thing to do was get coffee. So the two intertwined their hands and walked to the nearest shop. 
"So not that I haven't been wanting to do the same but what made you kiss me?"
"Well I've been wanting to tell you how I feel about you but I'm not exactly the greatest at that. So I decided to show you instead. Reese can gauge social situations way better than I can- that hand signal was basically my green light."
"Why didn't you do it sooner?"
"Well why didn't you?"
"I was sure about how I felt about you but didn't know if the feelings were returned. I am older than you and I wasn't sure if you liked me and I know there are about 1000 ways to make something blow up in your face and I really didn't want to mess up any chance I had with you."
"So what happens now?"
"Well I happen to have an open vacancy for a girlfriend."
"Do you think I meet the qualifications?"
"I would say so yeah."
A quick peck and a coffee later the many bets amongst their friends had been paid and the 2 people in question were very very happy.

~~~Few Months Time Skip Courtesy of My Dwindling Sanity~~~

"What are you waiting for it is almost time!" Ruby exclaimed. Everyone was gathered in Ruby's dorm to watch the annual reveal. As mentioned before every year teachers from the 4 academies choose 1 student to mentor for the remainder of their time at that school. It was a big deal and even broadcast across live television. Ruby snuggled up next to Marrow on the settee whilst everyone else took their places on the sofa and floor. Neon and Flynt were fighting for the remote before Colbolt had enough and pinched it for herself. He switched the TV on and changed over to the appropriate channel. Beacon mentorships had just been revealed and now it was Atlas' turn. Ciel had been chosen by the politics teacher to nobody's surprise but it was highly celebrated nonetheless, Arslan had been chosen by the grimm studies teacher and another cheer of support rang out through her friends. Now The General was onscreen and to Ruby's surprise but nobody else's she had been selected by him. A picture of her in her soldier uniform with her signature cloak of course was put up on the screen next the General Ironwood. A cheer rang out through her friends whilst a smile was frozen on Ruby's face. The General really believed in her and was willing to mentor her. Immediately after the broadcast everyone who was selected were to meet their mentors. Ruby, Arslan and Ciel jumped up to go meet their new mentors in the great hall. Ruby kissed Marrow and hugged Winter before crossing fingers and entered the great hall.  Once there she met with other students that had been selected and they were all taken to meet their mentors. Arslan got dropped from the group at the grimm studies class and all the other students were dropped at their respective mentors classroom. Now all that remained was a nervous Ruby who was on her way up to the Headmaster's office. She knocked and waited until she got the confirmation to enter. James could clearly tell that Ruby was nervous and he invited her to sit down.
"You look surprised. Did you not expect this?"
"I didn't actually. Winter said that it was likely but I didn't think so."
"Why is that?"
"Well you have already done so much for me. You accepted me into the school early and gave me 2 positions within your army so I really didn't expect that you would be kind enough to mentor me too."
"I dislike wasted potential and you have incredible talent Ruby. There is much promise in you Ruby, both as a person and a huntress. I do not regret my choice so long as you do not make me regret it. Now skedaddle, your friends may get a bit to impatient waiting outside my door. See you tomorrow Miss Rose."
"The door?" With that Ruby turned around and opened the door to find Marrow, Winter, Violet, Penny and Flynt waiting for her. A smile stretched over her mouth and she turned to wave at the General before turning into rose petals and flying out to see her family shutting the door behind her. Ruby had forgotten the turmoil of her blood family and was well and truly happy for her life and all the people in it.

Hey everyone. I feel like this was just a quickfire chapter to knock out some minor plot points I needed to happen before the story could progress. I did decide to be kind and heal Ruby's heart before putting it through even more in the next 3-4 chapters so stay tuned for those. 
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See you later, love Lizzi

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