06. Emotions

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Hanna pulls up in front of Lynnex's house.

I glance in the driveway and smile when I notice that her mom isn't home.

I climb out of the car and grab Lynnex's suitcase before making my way towards her front door.

The blonde haired girl has been quieter than normal ever since she ran out of the gym.

I feel like I probably went too far with my teasing.

She has never had this reaction to my teasing before.

She takes her suitcase from my hands as we stop at her stairs.

There is an awkward silence between us as we nervously fidget with our hands.

This has never happened before!

What do I do?!

"Hey, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable back there in the gym" I decide to apologize

She looks up and gives me a confused look only for realization to quickly dawn on her face.

"Oh that, it's not your fault" she calmly brushes off

I furrow my eyebrows at her.


"Okay?" I answer, confused as to why she is so distracted

She smiles but it does not reach her eyes like it usually does.

"I'll see you on Monday" she tells me

Before I can say anything else she climbs up her porch stairs and opens her front door, swiftly walking in and closing the door behind her.

Not once looking back at me.

I internally groan at the way that my heart clenches.


It feels like someone punched me in the heart.

I pout at this before slowly making my way back to Hanna's car, sitting in the passenger seat this time around.

My sister notices my dampened mood but chooses not to say anything.

I may be acting a bit dramatic, but it feels like I just got broken up with.

I mean, I don't think I did because she never said that we weren't friends anymore?


I am so confused.


I hear a knock on my bedroom door before the door opens.

I pause my movie and turn towards the door only for my eyes to land on Aurelia.

I plaster on a smile, not wanting to be rude to her just because I am upset.

"Ouch, you can do better than that," she jokes referring to my smile

I chuckle a little bit making her smile.

"That's better" she says as she takes a seat on my bed beside my knee

I sigh as I pull my brunette hair up into a messy bun.

I plan on taking a nap after this conversation.

"What do you want, Aurelia?" I calmly ask the black haired girl

She furrows her eyebrows at me, not used to me being hostile.

"I want to know what happened today" she says

I furrow my eyebrows at her this time.

"What do you mean?" I ask her

She gives me a small, guilty smile as she adjust herself on my bed so that she is completely facing me.

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