24. Sour Times

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Yes, that's a Madison Beer song.


I guiltily wave goodbye to my brown eyed best friend as she climbs out of my mother's car.

Due to her not being the happiest with me at the moment, understandably, she gives me a small smile before closing the car door in my face.

I sigh sadly as I watch my dull, golden haired goddess walk up her driveway.

Well, technically she is not mine anymore.

This instantly causes my mood to drop.

I turn away from the image of the heartbroken girl and bring my knees up to my chest, resting my forehead on said body part.

My mother notices this but does not bring it up, choosing to silently drive us home.


I distractedly reach out and open the front door only to stop in my spot when my eyes land on Flower.

What is she doing here?

Her face instantly lights up at the sight of me which causes me to furrow my eyebrows at her suspiciously.

"Why are you here? Don't you have a family to go home to?" I tease her but it comes out harsher than intended

Her smile drops at my tone of voice.

"Ouch, I haven't seen you in two weeks, I came to check on you" she says as I walk into my house

Oh, right.

I forgot that Lynnex practically forbade me from seeing Flower while we were dating.

I frown as I think about this.

I could of at least checked up on Flower without Lynnex's knowledge.

But if she found out then she would have become suspicious and labeled me as a cheater.


This is all so freaking confusing!

"Sorry," I guiltily sigh out

I comb one of my hands through my long brunette hair and make my way towards the staircase, not caring if she is following me or not.

"Now isn't the best time, I'm kind of busy" I vaguely tell her

I almost instantly hear her footsteps echo after mine on the staircase at my choice of words.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks me


I roll my eyes at this and enter my messy bedroom.


School has been kicking my already unconscious body.

"No, not really" I reply with a chipped tone

I throw my backpack onto the floor near my bed before walking towards my closet where my traveling bags are located.

I hear the eighteen year old girl enter my bedroom as I search for my duffle bag.

I assume that she is looking around my room since I cannot hear her footsteps anymore.

The two of us remain silent as we do our own things.

My eyes spot my black duffle bag near my shoes which causes my heart to jump in my chest.

Am I sure that I want to do this?

I nervously bite my bottom as I take a second to really think about this question.

Loving Miss Clueless (Wilder Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now