17. Who?

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Lynnex's POV

It is New Year's Eve.

I am finally going home!

I can finally see Isabella again!

Although it is eleven at night and I won't be arriving home until early tomorrow morning.

"You look happy" the brunette teases with a smirk

I roll my eyes at at her, my cheeks warming at her statement.

I made a last minute decision to video chat with her before I leave since I haven't talked to her in a week.

"I am," I declare

I don't even bother to try and hide the excitement from my tone of voice.

"I finally get to see your beautiful face in person again" I subtly tease her

This surprises her.

Her jaw drops the slightest bit from shock, her cheeks gradually turning red before my eyes.

I smile at her reaction as she embarrassedly looks down at her hands.


She is so cute.

She awkwardly clears her throat before changing the subject.

"Are you spending New Years with your family?" She curiously asks me

I raise an eyebrow at the beautiful brunette.

Is she serious?

"Spend a holiday with my toxic, homophobic parents," I say lifting up one of my hands

"Spend a holiday with my future girlfriend," I say holding up the opposite hand

Her breath hitches at this answer.

I have no clue if it is from shock or excitement.

I ignore it and move my arms up and down as if they were a scale, eventually stopping with my second hand being higher than the first one.

"I think you know which one I'm picking" I state with a firm tone of voice

She rolls her eyes at me.

"Tell me more about this 'future girlfriend' that you speak of" she questions with a teasing tone

I laugh at her joking nature when she rests her chin on her closed fist, seemingly leaning said arm on a flat surface.

She is such a dork at times.

I tuck a strand of my golden blonde hair behind one of my ears so that it is out of my face.

My heart clenches when I notice her smiling at my hysteric laughter.


She is so freaking cute!

I go to answer her only to be interrupted by a different voice coming from her end.

"Hey there, cutie," the voice says with a flirty tone

What the-?

"Ready to cause some mischief?" The voice teases

It sounds like a teenage girl.

I furrow my eyebrows at this.

I do not recognize that person's voice.

I wonder who it could be.

Isabella looks up from her cellphone and her entire face instantly lights up.

I feel my heart painfully clench in my chest, again.

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