28. Fiancé

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Lynnex's POV

"What?!" I loudly exclaim

My mother rolls her eyes at my outburst, continuing to circle expensive jewelry in a magazine.

"I said that Genovia and I came to an agreement that you and her son are getting betrothed" my mother repeats herself with a serious tone of voice

"What?!" I exclaim again from shock

Is she crazy?

She glances up from her magazine to glare at me.

"I am not repeating myself again, Lynnex" my mother practically snaps at me

Excuse me?!

She does not have the right to be upset with me!

She is the one arranging a marriage for her sixteen year old daughter behind her back!

The worst part about this, besides me marrying a guy, is that she is only doing this for money!


She is such a fucking gold digger!

"What the actual hell is wrong with you?!" I shout and climb down from my barstool

It isn't even eleven in the morning and she already ruined my day.

This has to be some kind of record.

"Watch your mouth when you're talking to me, your mother!" She yells back

I give her one of the nastiest glares that I can muster up, feeling sixteen years of anger bubble through my veins.

"I knew that this day would come soon, but I think that you actually lost your goddamn mind!" I yell, not expecting her to lose it so soon

She slams her glass down on the table, not caring if it breaks or not.

Of course she wouldn't care, she's not the one who pays for it.

"I'd watch it if I were you, I could still make good on my threat to that Wilder kid," she snipes

I tighten my jaw at this so that no more curses fall out of my mouth.

A bitch.

That is what she treats me like.

She thinks that I will jump at her every command and when I don't she thinks that she has the right to get mad at me.

She is so sick in the head that she is beyond fixing.

"Good girl," she smirks

"Now go get dress, Genovia and Lancelot will be here soon" she shoos me off and goes back to her magazine's

My jaw tightens further as I turn around and make my way back upstairs.

When she dies I hope they lock her in a room and torture her until she cannot take it anymore and-

Oh, wow.

That was way too dark, even for me.

I honestly do not think that this day could get any worse.


I decided to wear a dress that resembles my life at the moment.

The dress is black with loose, puffed out sleeves that stop near my elbows. The body is form fitting with a modest curved neckline, the bottom of it ends at the middle of my thighs and one side has a small triangle slit that exposes my thigh.

 The body is form fitting with a modest curved neckline, the bottom of it ends at the middle of my thighs and one side has a small triangle slit that exposes my thigh

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