26. Flashback

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I forgot what color Haley's eyes are so I'm just going to give her blue ones since no one in this story has any.

Warning: Mentions Of Sexual Assault


Lynnex's POV

"You're so hot" Lancelot says with a gravely tone of voice

I hum, distractedly twirling my fork around my eggs.

I hate my mother so fucking much right now.

Her and Ms. Anderson have been conversing in the living room for the past hour and a half.

An entire hour and a fucking half!

I would not mind the distance so much if she did not leave me alone with this horny heterosexual.

For the past half hour he has been repetitively telling me how 'hot' I look.

He sound like a broken record and it is getting on my last fucking nerve.


I miss Isabella.

At least she sees me for my personality versus my looks.

Plus I actually like being around her versus this fish for brains.

"I know" I confidently say with a matter of fact tone

If he is going to continue to compliment me for the next thirty minutes then I might as well have fun with it.

He hums at this answer from me.

I ignore this reaction from him and continue to poke at my cold scrambled eggs.

Maybe if I pretend to ignore him then he will get the hint that I do not want to be here.

I assume that he takes this as a non verbal invitation judging by the way that he swiftly reaches his hand over and roughly gropes my exposed lower thigh.

My entire body tenses up as I inhale a sharp breath of air.

I hear someone enter the girl's bathroom but ignore it and continue on with washing my hands.

The air around me suddenly feels off as a pair of loud footsteps approach me.

I assume that the mystery person is going to walk past me but am terribly wrong when I feel their body heat behind me.

Why did they stop behind me?

That is weird and suspicious.

I go to look up at the person through the mirror above the sink only to practically scream when I feel a hand reach out and squeeze my ass over my skirt.

I barely get the chance to open my mouth before a large hand is being pressed over it.

They use the hand against my mouth to pull my body back flat against their front.

What the hell is happening?!

My eyes widen with shock and fear as I meet the person's eyes through the mirror.

My gym teacher?!

I see him smirk predatorily at me as he trails his hand up the back of my thigh.

I release a muffled scream and fidget in his arms.

This irritates him judging by the disapproving look that he gives me.

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