14. Evolving

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Isabella's POV

It has been three weeks since I last talked to Lynnex.

Three miserable weeks.

I'm silently laying in my bedroom just staring up at my ceiling with no background noise, just my thoughts.

Recently I have been working on my toxic mindset while also trying to distract myself from the fact that my best friend is states away from me.

I have been thinking about her a lot more the past week and I decided that I needed to shift my focus onto something else.

I don't think that it's healthy for me to be thinking about her as much as I do.

I love her, but I don't want to be too dependent on her because at the end of the day we are two separate people with completely different lives.

"You're still in here pouting about your girlfriend?" Someone rhetorically questions from my door frame

I turn my head so that I am facing the mystery person only to smile when I notice that it is Aurelia.

I haven't seen her in awhile.

"She's not my girlfriend" I sigh out

I sit up from my bed and swing my legs over the side before standing up.

The black haired woman raises an eyebrow at me, a smirk resting on her face.

"She's not your girlfriend yet" the twenty-two year old muses with a promising tone of voice

I instantly feel butterflies in my lower belly at her statement.


That has been happening a lot the past three weeks.

Specifically whenever anyone mentions Lynnex.

It is very distracting.

"While yes it would be incredible if she were to become my girlfriend, I'm not going to force her to do so if she doesn't feel the same when the time come" I state

I make my way towards the woman, walking past her and into the second story hallway.

Aurelia hums at my answer, following me down the hall.

"Great mentality, wish I could say the same thing for Hanna's ex" the grey eyed woman critiques

I roll my eyes at this.

Hanna seriously could not have picked a more annoying guy.

"Ugh, don't get me started on my sister's horrible taste in boys" I groan out

Aurelia laughs at this as we descend down the staircase.

"At least she has amazing taste in women" the woman teases


I scoff at this, rolling my eyes at the black haired woman again.

"Please, you're too cocky for your own good" I tell her

She gasps at this as we reach the first level of the house.

I walk away from her and into the kitchen before she can say anything else.

My stomach rumbles hungrily as I enter the kitchen, the wonderful aroma of our dinner entering my nose.

Oh my goodness!

I glance at the kitchen counter and immediately spot an abundance of different foods.

There is a giant sliced ham in a roasting pan, buttered corn on a cob, golden biscuits, baked macaroni and cheese, homemade mashed potatoes with vegan gravy, vegan ham in a smaller roasting pan, roasted vegetables and two different lasagnas.

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