07. Reconciliation

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I've been super busy but here's a new chapter.

Better late than never(:

It has been a week since my mini break down in the gym.

My hands are severely bruised and slightly scraped thanks to me not using boxing gloves.

It is really painful to move them but I am managing.

My mother found out about my broken phone and bought me another one in secret.

Mom still doesn't know that I broke my last one.

Lynnex went back to speaking to me on Monday as if nothing happened.

I chose not to bring it up since I was getting flashbacks from when I was in the gym.

She hasn't mentioned anything about my hands, mainly because I have been hiding them from her.

I hear the doorbell go off which causes me to jump in my chair from fear.

I remove the ice pack that I had on my hand and step down from the barstool that I was sitting on.

I quickly make my way towards the front door when the person at said door rings the doorbell again.

"I'm coming," I yell, rolling my eyes as I approach the door

So impatient.

I unlock the giant door before swinging it open only for my eyebrows to furrow when my eyes land on my best friend holding a white box.

"Lynn?" I ask with obvious confusion

What is she doing here?

She pouts at my confused facial expression.

"Did you seriously forget that we made plans to hang out today?" She questions rhetorically

I tilt my head to the side like a confused puppy.

When did we-


"Ugh, I'm sorry I did" I tell her with a small pout

She playfully scoffs at me.

"And to think I made you a cake," she says

My eyes instantly light up at this.

She rolls her eyes at this, laughing as she enters the house.

I close the door behind her, trapping the cold air outside before following the golden haired girl into the kitchen.

"Where are your parents?" She asks since my house is never usually this quiet

I walk over towards the barstool that I was previously sitting in.

"They're having a meeting with Hanna and Aurelia, they won't be back for a couple of hours" I answer her as she places the cake on the countertop

My mother stepped down from her position as head of her organization and apparently she wants Aurelia to take over.

That is all of the information I have so far, they haven't told me the name of the organization or what they do.

Lynnex glances at the ice pack on the counter and furrows her eyebrows.


I forgot to put it back in the freezer.

"Why is there an ice pack on the counter?" She asks curiously

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