20. Progression

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As soon as the three of us exited the hot tub Lynnex was quick to tell me that she wants to go home.

It was incredibly sudden and I have no clue why she wants to leave.

She agreed to sleeping over here with Flower and I tonight.

I cannot help but think that I did something wrong.

If only I could figure out what it was.

"Lynnex, talk to me" I say with a firm tone

I am currently leaning against my bedroom door so that the golden haired girl cannot avoid me or my questions.

I just want to talk this out with her like two mature individuals, possibly find out why she is so upset with me.

"No" she stubbornly states as she zips up her backpack and slips it onto her back


I just had to fall in love with a stubborn girl.

Good thing she is worth fighting for.

"You're not leaving this bedroom until we talk this out," I say

She chooses to ignore me, her back facing me.

I sigh and bring my fingers up to massage my temples.

I seriously do not understand why she has to make this so hard.

I slowly slide down my locked door until I am completely seated on the floor, crisscrossing my legs and leaning my head back to rest against the wooden door.

"Look, I don't want to fight with you because frankly I'm exhausted," I tell her with a calm tone of voice

"We have been so off for awhile now that I'm beginning to worry about the foundation of our relationship," I continue with honesty

"We don't usually have this many disagreements, nor do we ignore each other,"

I tilt my head down so that I am now facing her.

She is now facing me with a guilty facial expression, her bottom lip being the victim to her nervously nibbling teeth.

"Honestly Lynnex, I'm so in love with you that I'm willing to do anything for you, but if you're not willing to talk things out with me then I don't think this is going to work" I finish with a deep frown

I really want this to work.

I love her so much, but I cannot be the only one putting energy into this potential relationship.

That is just a recipe for disastrous breakup.

She silently analyzes my facial expression for a few moments before releasing a small sigh.

My best friend removes her backpack and places it on my bed before making her way over towards me.

I attempt to keep my neutral facade as she stops a few inches in front of me and takes a seat on the floor, mimicking my crisscrossed position.

"I love you more," she assures me

Not possible.

"Which is why I'm so upset with you" she tells me

I furrow my eyebrows at this.

What does that even mean?

"I'm not following" I inform her

She gives me a sad smile and looks down at her lap, fidgeting with the rose quartz ring I bought her a few months ago.

I smile at this small action when I notice that it is the only ring that she is wearing.

Loving Miss Clueless (Wilder Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now