22. Unsaid Rules

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My golden haired girlfriend takes a seat beside me at my lab desk which instantly causes a smile to paint itself upon my face.

Lynnex and I weren't able to arrive at school together due to her mother victimizing herself and turning it into a whole argument.

Using words such as, and I quote, 'we just got back from visiting your grandmother, the least you can do is spend a few days with the woman who birthed you'.

Honestly, I knew that she was going to pull something like that.

"Hey," I happily greet her

I lean in and go to give her an 'I missed you' kiss only for her to quickly turn her head to the side so that I end up kissing her cheek.


As I pull away and open my eyes I instantly frown when I notice the uncomfortable look of her face.


Did I do something wrong?

"Is something wrong?" I ask her with a worried tone of voice

She shakes her, turning to face me with an awkward smile.

"I don't want to get any lipgloss on you" she assures me but it sounds off

Is she lying to me?

My eyes suspiciously trail over her face, analyzing her demeanor.

Wait, why am I doubting her?

Lynnex is my girlfriend.

Even before that she was my best friend.

Why would she lie to me?

More importantly, why would she lie to me about something as silly as a kiss?

It just doesn't make sense.

I give her a smile and nod my head, choosing to believe her.

She seemingly releases a breath of relief at this reaction which adds onto my minor suspicions in the back of my head.

I place my elbow on our lab desk and rest my chin in my palm with a cheesy, lovestruck facial expression.

"Is your mom okay with you coming home with me this afternoon?" I ask her with curiosity

She rolls her eyes at the mention of her mother but smiles when her eyes land on my face.

In a sense she sort of mirrors my facial expression in a way.

"Please, like she would be able to stop me" the golden haired girl says lowly

I am assuming that she is staying quiet so that none of our classmates hear our conversation, though I doubt they even care.

I cannot help but think if she is possibly paranoid.

I mean first she would not let me kiss her and now she is speaking quietly.

I should not doubt my trust in her.

This could easily just be some big misunderstanding.

I laugh humorously at her answer before giving her a small smile.

She looks so incredibly beautiful today.

I mean, she always look unearthly beautiful, but today she looks more like a sun goddess than usual.

Her golden blonde hair is tied up in a taut high ponytail, her loose curls softly ending behind her shoulders.

This hairstyle causes her face to appear more slim, accentuating her cheekbones.

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