30. Early Morning Confessions

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Warning: Slight Smut

Disclaimer: the sex scene kind of sucks because I wanted to try something new.


Isabella's POV

"When did you get back?" I hear someone whisper from the kitchen entrance

I smile at her voice and scoop a pile of scrambled eggs onto a plate, a few slices of bacon and toast already resting on said plate

"Last night," I vaguely reply as I turn around to face the groggy bleach blonde haired girl

Her hair is now clean and elegantly cascading down her back in loose damp tendrils.

Honestly, I'm surprised how healthy her hair is considering this is the first time that she has dyed it.

She nods her head and slowly begins to make her way over towards the island where our bar stools sit.

I have to force myself to try not to laugh at her zombie-like demeanor which is easier said than done.

I expertly reach over and gently place the plate of food in front of a random barstool.

Once Lynnex reaches the barstool she quickly climbs up onto it and immediately begins to dig in, leaving us in a comfortable silence.

While she continues eat I decide to clean the counter, where I spilled some ingredients, and wash the pan that I used.

"Why did you get drunk?" I suddenly ask her as I dry off my hands, breaking the silence

I hear her choke on something which instantly causes me to turn around to face her.

My brown eyed best friend avoids my gaze as she brings her glass of water up to her lips.

I frown at this.

I do not want her to think that I am accusing her of something because I'm not.

I wait until she is finished drinking her water to slowly approach her.

Once I reach her I stop in front of her, the kitchen island being the only thing to separate us.

The bleach blonde haired girl continues to avoid my eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that she is guiltily biting her bottom lip then I wouldn't know how she is feeling right now.

Why doesn't she want to look me in the eyes?

"I'm not going to judge you, Lynn" I promise

This catches her attention.

She tilts her head to meet my eyes.

I patiently wait as she gives me look of analyzation.

A few moments pass by before my best friend brings her hands up to tuck her drying hair behind her ears.

"I know," she assures me in a lower register

This is most likely due to her still having a headache.

Oh, I should get her a pain pill for that.

"My mom found out about us," she reveals

My eyes widen with shock at this.

I don't care about anyone knowing about us, but when it comes to her mother- let's just say that she would probably try to kill Lynnex if she found out.

I am silent as I patiently wait for her to finish her recap.

"Apparently she knew for awhile, but I didn't find out until she forced me to go talk to Lancelot," she says

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